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Is Tay Swift a Mean Girl?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Miami University’s very own Sarah Jaxheimer is making headlines for being mentioned in Taylor Swift’s interview with Vogue magazine. During the interview Swift was questioned about her middle school years; however what started out as innocent conversation, soon led to something that sent the media into a tizzy. The artist was quoted by Vogue saying:
“All of my favorite people- people I really trust-none of them were cool in their younger years. Because if you know how to be cool in middle school, maybe you have skills you shouldn’t. Maybe you know how to be conniving, like, naturally. There’s always that seventh-grade girl who looks like she’s 25. And you’re like How do you do it? How do you do it, Sarah Jaxheimer? Why is your hair always so shiny?!”

Some people are referring to Sarah Jaxheimer as Taylor Swift’s own “Regina George”, however others find this to be an inappropriate outburst. Taylor Swift is one of the most respectable and mature artists in the industry and some are surprised that she would stoop to settle bad blood from middle school days. It is no secret that Taylor is comfortable “name dropping” people into her albums, songs such as Dear John, Hey Stephan, and multiple others refers to specific people in Taylor’s life. Did she go too far?
A few days ago if you would have typed Sarah Jaxheimer into Google, you might have found a few links about a Miami University student and maybe a picture or two. Today, typing in this name will bring up page after page of articles titled something like “Taylor Swifts Jealousy Inducing Classmate”. This Phi Mu social chair has become an overnight sensation; unfortunately her limelight is coming from something that is not very positive. I guess even Taylor Swift still remembers those middle school days of awkwardness and jealousy. Hey Taylor, why you gotta be so mean?

Morgan Weemhoff is a sophomore at Miami University. She is the Event Coordinator for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.
Alaine Perconti graduated from Miami University (OH) with degrees in Marketing and Journalism. She is the co-founder of the Miami (OH) Chapter and was President from 2011-2013. After graduation, Alaine moved to Cincinnati, OH where she works for a digital marketing agency and is an active volunteer for a local animal rescue. As an HC Alum, Alaine is now a Her Campus Chapter Advisor and is excited to be a positive influence and professional partner for CC's in her new role.