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Rick Steves, Europe Travel Writer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.


Miami University had the privilege of welcoming the Europe Guru himself, Rick Steves, as a part of the MU Lecture Series Monday November 12th. The Travel Writer attended a press conference before the lecture Monday evening for student led media and publications at MUOhio.

Attention, Collegiettes! In case you missed Steves’s talk “Europe Through the Back Door” at Hall Auditorium Monday evening, you’ve come to the right place!  Here is a list of his top talking points that really stood out to us here at Her Campus:

  •  “Life is good. Be Thankful.”– Steves says that no matter where you are, embrace the moment.
  • “If you see 5 cute guys on a bench, ask them to scoot down.” –Don’t leave thinking What if? or pass up opportunities to meet new people.
  • “You want to travel in a way where you’re part of the party and not part of the economy.” –Don’t waste all of your money on tourist trinkets. Try your best to experience life abroad like the locals do. You know what they say, When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
  • “You could die tomorrow.”-Make the time to travel and experience the world! Is there a YOLO reminder in order?
  • “Good travel experience carbonates your life.”-Steves beautifully sums up what traveling can do for your life.

It was great for the University to bring Steves here to talk about travel in a more intellectual way as well. In his lecture at Hall Auditorium, Steves talked about travel as an opportunity to gain wisdom and understanding of the world around us.

Now that you’ve got a glimpse of Rick Steves’s Travel Wisdom, put them to use and plan your very own study abroad trip!





Melissa Krueger is a Junior at Miami University. She is a Contributing Writer for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.