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President Hodge

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.



Out latest Campus Celeb is one of Miami’s VIP’s!

Meet David Hodge, Miami University’s President. Dr. Hodge is the 21st president of MU and began his time here in June of 2006. Minnesota born and raised, President Hodge is married to Idaho-native Valerie Hodge. Both can be spotted attending Redhawk sports games and supporting campus and student organization’s events together. Her Campus was fortunate enough to score an interview with President Hodge in which we discussed what Miami and our student body means to him! Learn more about the President himself in our interview below.

HC: What’s your favorite part about being President here at Miami University?

PH: Interacting with students from casual, spontaneous conversations to watching students present the results of their work. My favorite interaction is to drop in on student groups who are working on a project together, or studying together in a breakout room in King Library.

HC: Your early morning runs have inspired a lot of students to get up and do the same, what is it like to know that students are getting up at the crack of dawn to run with you?

PH: Well I do delay my run for an hour to make it a little easier on the students! The biggest problem is that it can be very dark when we run, so it is harder to get to know them, but we manage to have a number of conversations along the run. I am always impressed that this is something important enough for them to get up early to do.

HC: What has been your proudest moment for the University since coming to MU?

PH: That is a hard question, but two events probably stand a little above the others. First, at the end of a terrific joint concert to celebrate our bicentennial, confetti rained down on the stage in Millett – it was a magic moment of celebrating 200 years of our history. The other event was the performance of the alma mater at the end of the Carnegie Hall concert with over 300 of our students on stage performing a new and very moving arrangement.

HC: With almost 4,000 followers on Twitter, you have done an amazing job reaching out to this generation of college students. As a prominent figure in the Miami Community, what would you like to share with those who have not yet had the chance to personally meet you?

PH: Seize the opportunities at Miami. Hopefully, one of those opportunities will include spending some time with me!

Melissa Krueger is a Junior at Miami University. She is a Contributing Writer for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.