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Party Cam: MOFO

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Hide yo kids! Hide yo wives! Party Cam: MOFO is crashin all your parties and taking snapshots like nobody’s business. I love it. 

This past Halloween weekend this mystery photographer found the biggest ragers and captured them on film. I’m personally a huge fan of the idea. It’s a whole new way to procrastinate on Sunday after you’ve uploaded your own crazy photos… go check and see if you made it into Party Cam’s album! If you haven’t looked at the page yet, I encourage you to take a gander. You never know, you could even stumble across a photo of you and your friends. 

Alaine Perconti graduated from Miami University (OH) with degrees in Marketing and Journalism. She is the co-founder of the Miami (OH) Chapter and was President from 2011-2013. After graduation, Alaine moved to Cincinnati, OH where she works for a digital marketing agency and is an active volunteer for a local animal rescue. As an HC Alum, Alaine is now a Her Campus Chapter Advisor and is excited to be a positive influence and professional partner for CC's in her new role.