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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

J.T. is a junior marketing major from Aurora, Illinois who hopes to become the next VP of Marketing for Fox Head Inc. Watch out ladies, this cutie is on the prowl!

Name: J.T. Fox
Age: 20
Year: Junior
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Aurora, Ill.
Relationship Status: Single
Fun fact about yourself: I went to 16 cities and eight different countries this past summer.
Hobbies: motocross, soccer, working out
Most embarrassing moment at Miami: Freshman year, the weekend before classes started, I got locked inside Laws Hall while walking my schedule for the next week. So innocent.
Favorite part about Miami: Uptown is awesome, but I love being five minutes away from nothing but cornfields.
What made you decide to come to Miami: Picked my college based on College Prowler’s hotness rankings. Thanks ladies, keep up the hard work.
Celebrity Crush: Dianna Dahlgren – Miss Supercross
Describe the perfect date: Dinner uptown and then to the Hamilton drive-in movie theater


Sophomore double majoring in mass communication and journalism. Involved in Kappa Kappa Gamma, lifeguard at the Miami rec, Colleges Against Cancer member, Dance Marathon