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How to Deal with End-of-the-year Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Finals week is fast approaching, and with it comes late nights at King, group meetings at B.E.S.T., and last-minute cramming for exams. While some of us thrive on a busy schedule and work best under pressure, the weeks leading up to exams can create large amounts of unwanted stress. If we want to end our school year strong, it’s critical to take time out to relax and unwind. Here are a few ways to de-stress while remaining motivated: 

1. Get Organized:

Eliminate any chance of missing assignments, confusing exam times or turning in papers late by making a schedule. I would suggest scheduling each day of the week before AND the week of finals. Work around your classes or other activities, and set aside at least an hour or two each night to organize study materials, create study guides, or do whatever is necessary. Early preparation will eliminate the stress that comes with last-minute cramming.
2. Get Moving:
There’s no doubt that exercise is one of the best ways to relax and unwind. Just 20 minutes spent on the elliptical, taking a walk around the block, or a class at the Rec can work wonders. Physical activity will help clear your mind and rejuvenate your spirit to help maintain motivation. If you think you won’t have enough time, recall our first tip and write down a set block to head to the gym. I suggest waking up a half hour earlier each morning and getting it out of the way. You’ll begin your day feeling refreshed and productive.
3. Be Alone:
We’re in college and that means being constantly surrounded by people who are just as stressed as we are, if not more! With the year winding down, most conversations involve complaints of stress and anxiety. Take a break to grab coffee uptown (away from crowded King Cafe!), sit on a bench outside of your dorm, or lie in bed and read a magazine. A little peace and quiet can be quite rewarding.
4. Savor Sleep:
Getting enough sleep for finals week is most likely the biggest challenge for any college student. You may be tempted to pull an all-nighter to prep for tomorrow’s exam. Don’t do it! Follow our first tip and plan your study time accordingly. Prepping for finals in smaller increments will reduce the need to stay up until 8am the night before. Cramming a semester’s worth of information into only a few hours is impossible. It will leave your brain fried and you won’t perform to your full ability on your exam.

5. Think Positively:

While this may sound vague, maintaining a positive attitude throughout the end of the school year is vital. Think of the “bigger picture” if you’re stressed over a grade or a growing to-do list. If you ask yourself “Will this matter a month from today? A year from today?,” the answer will most likely be “No!”  Focus on how relieved you’ll feel once exams are over and how excited you’ll be for summertime. Don’t let finals week turn you into Oscar the Grouch! 

Alaine Perconti graduated from Miami University (OH) with degrees in Marketing and Journalism. She is the co-founder of the Miami (OH) Chapter and was President from 2011-2013. After graduation, Alaine moved to Cincinnati, OH where she works for a digital marketing agency and is an active volunteer for a local animal rescue. As an HC Alum, Alaine is now a Her Campus Chapter Advisor and is excited to be a positive influence and professional partner for CC's in her new role.