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HC Miami Weighs In: “Why I’m Voting for Romney”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

With arguably the most important election in our history imminent, Her Campus wanted to see where everyone’s views stood after the presidential debates. Who will you choose?

“It was easy to hop on the Obama bandwagon in 2008. After all, everyone was doing it. As a freshman in high school, I blindly followed what the older girls at school were doing and told anyone who asked that I supported Barack Obama. Bashing the “old white men” of the Republican Party seemed to be in vogue. Since then, I’ve lost a little of my naïveté (for example, I have learned that Republicans come in all genders, ages, sexual orientations, and ethnicities). It’s easy to support someone who uses broad catchphrases like “Change” and “Forward,” and it’s natural to want to believe that government can be everyone’s best friend and rich uncle at the same time. Unfortunately, those values have brought our government to its knees these past four years. We can’t fund the every whim of Washington, and we’re suffering because of our total lack of fiscal responsibility. Not only is it impossible to do so, it’s also against the very freedoms that the United States was founded upon. The more power the government has, the weaker the rights of the individual citizen become. Our government doesn’t exist to regulate our every move; it exists to protect our natural rights when necessary and to run our country efficiently. I am also voting for Mitt Romney because I believe that one of the most important issues in modern politics is that of abortion and the rights of the unborn. Contrary to the beliefs of some Americans, prohibiting abortion is not violating a woman’s right to choose, it is protecting the rights of the innocent, a tenant of our great country.”
– Sheila Timmons

“I am voting for Romney/Ryan in the 2012 election because I am sick of Obama’s harsh taxes and prefer Romney’s plan. I am also in support of his plan for health care. I do not think it is fair for so many Americans to continue abusing the government by constantly taking handouts. I believe in Romney’s five point plan.”
– Anonymous

“It’s the first election I can vote in, and I am excited to exercise my right for the first time. I was raised in a very conservative household, but in the social aspect, I disagree with a lot of what my parents think. To me, this country would be a better place if there were marriage rights for all and women had the right to choose for their own bodies and not have a group of old men tell them how. While I would love to see these things happen, we are a long way off from either happening in America. The problem we need to solve first in this country is debt. I am to be in the work force in less then 2 years and this is something that is really important to me. I am voting for Mitt Romney because I believe in his plan on how to fix the debt in this country. What we have been doing as a country for the past 4 years has clearly not helped the enormous debt that has been building up. I agree with the plan that Romney has set up, which is working on the taxes to help out the middle class because those are the people who have been suffering the most. Also, I agree with Romney’s plan to take power away from big government and put it back in the hands of the states. Why should the government try and tell the states how to run their states when they don’t know what is going on in those states? I think the many plans Romney has set out will help steer this country”
– Lizzie Miller

“I am voting for Mitt Romney because I believe in his plan to help our economy by adding jobs and valuing small business. America needs a new president that has business experience and will create new polices to decrease our deficit without sacrificing education. As a college student, I am concerned with student loans. Romney wants jobs available so we can pay back our student loans ourselves and keep more of the money we earn. I can agree with that.”
– Emma Strupp, Freshman

“I will be voting for Romney this year during elections, because although I think Obama has fantastic ideas and he seems to have many of the people’s interests in mind, his speaking abilities often outweigh his actual ability to turn those words into action and make progress. Romney has views that will lead towards less government control and more of a free market economy, which is one of the things I think is crucial towards America’s future. Our founding fathers wanted to make sure that our economy was one of a strong Democracy and limited control of government, and some of Obama’s ideals lean more towards a socialist ideology. These socialistic views are the exact opposite of the ideals we were founded upon. People need to stop feeling like they are entitled to a certain lifestyle and start to realize that in life you are never just handed things, but rather you must work tirelessly to earn them.”
– Anonymous, Sophomore

“I am not really fond of either of the presidential candidates. My plan is to vote for Mitt Romney, though. This isn’t because I agree with everything he stands for. It is more because I agree with some of what he stands for and disagree with much of what President Obama stands for. For instance, I am 100% pro-life, whereas President Obama supports abortion. Another reason I am voting for Romney is because I like the idea of having a president who has a lot of experience with handling money. Romney might not be exactly what I want for the country, but he is the better option.”
– Amelia Peterson, Sophomore

Alaine Perconti graduated from Miami University (OH) with degrees in Marketing and Journalism. She is the co-founder of the Miami (OH) Chapter and was President from 2011-2013. After graduation, Alaine moved to Cincinnati, OH where she works for a digital marketing agency and is an active volunteer for a local animal rescue. As an HC Alum, Alaine is now a Her Campus Chapter Advisor and is excited to be a positive influence and professional partner for CC's in her new role.