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HC Miami Tips for a Strong Semester Finish

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Finals are soon approaching and can be a stressful time for everyone involved. To make the week of finals as stress free as possible, there are many ways to keep your mind and body in good shape to get yourself through all of the exams and multiple hours of studying in King.

The first thing that is very important is to keep your body healthy. To do this, make sure you are giving your self enough time to get an adequate amount of sleep. To avoid staying at King all night, make sure you have appropriate time management. So instead of going to king at 5 to study, wake up a little earlier and try to get your studying done earlier rather then later so you can try to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep.

After sleep, eating is important as well. It is important that you are fueling your body with a lot of food and water that will help nourish your body after all of the caffeine your body will be taking in from coffee and Redbull. These easily dehydrate you and your body needs to have energy for your brain to think and take in all of the information.

Study breaks are also crucial. Studying all day in King can take a toll on your body so allow your self to have some free time. This can be as easy as walking uptown to get some fresh air, walking back to your dorm for a little bit, or going to the rec to relive stress and get a quick work out in.

Working out is a great way to reenergize and relieve stress. Miami’s Rec Center offers a bunch of classes like their new Barefoot work out class that could help you switch up your normal cardio routine and have somewhere to go that is quieter. If you don’t feel like waiting in line for machines, there are some hiking trails around Western campus and if you like the outdoors, Hueston Woods park could be a good place for you to take a break.

Finals week is a hard time for everyone, but it is all what you make of it. It is very important for you not to stress to hard and for you to over work your body to the point where you are physically drained and no information can be retained.

Remember when your studying to stay healthy, active and allow yourself some time to go uptown grab a bite or even hit the bars one of the nights with friends because we all need to enjoy the last week of the warm Oxford weather and fun before summer comes. 

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Katlyn Byers

Miami (OH)

Kate Byers is in the minority as a married college student as of August 13, 2011 (!). As a Senior English Major with a Communication minor, she is frequently found curled up somewhere with a book or notepad. A co-founder of the Miami University branch, Kate spends most of her time behind the scenes as editor. She has also had an internship in Human Resources. Kate has a passion for all things food; an avid fan of The Next Food Network Star, much of Kate's free time is spent in the kitchen, baking something yummy for her friends or husband, Nick. Her favorite band is Coldplay, and one of her great guilty pleasures is musical theatre. Although her roots are in Cincinnati, she dreams of moving to New York City after graduation to look for Public Relations or Journalism opportunities. The 2011-2012 school year will be a big one for Kate both personally and in her new adventure with Her Campus!