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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Many people think that solely working out and eating “healthy” foods is the right approach to being fit and healthy. What some fail to realize is that knowing the ingredients that are actually in your food can be equally as beneficial.

One way of approaching health is by maintaining a gluten-free lifestyle, which means cutting out many foods you are likely used to eating.

Gluten is a protein that can be found in rye, wheat, and barley. Some people develop an allergy to gluten called celiac disease. When someone has celiac disease, their bodies cannot handle certain types of nutrients from food. If someone has this disease, and they consume gluten, they can become very sick and her immune system retains damage as a result. Their diet can also provides benefits to those who don’t suffer from celiac disease. (PhotoSource)

If at any point you are considering going on a gluten-free diet, here are some tips to stay healthy while cutting out this nutrient:

  1. Like mom always said, continue to eat your veggies! It’s important to keep eating your vegetables and fruits. They are good for you! Mom never lied about that one.
  2. If you aren’t a vegan or vegetarian, you can still eat meat! There is no gluten in chicken, fish, or eggs. There are many tasty recipes you can eat with chicken and still cut out gluten. Try mixing in some veggies with your eggs and make a tasty omelet for breakfast!
  3. FYI: Rice does not contain gluten, and neither does tofu. Mixing these two together in a tasty sauce or stirfry could be a delicious combo! (PhotoSource)
  4. Be wary of dairy products. Some people that have celiac disease find that they are intolerant to dairy.
  5. Do your research! There are hundreds of food blogs online that you can dig into to find out more information about going gluten-free. These websites contain helpful information about the gluten-free diet, as well as some recipes. The more you do your work, the more you will know about what you should and shouldn’t be eating–well on your way to a healthier you!




Sources: NDDIC, Gluten Free Goddess

Alaine Perconti graduated from Miami University (OH) with degrees in Marketing and Journalism. She is the co-founder of the Miami (OH) Chapter and was President from 2011-2013. After graduation, Alaine moved to Cincinnati, OH where she works for a digital marketing agency and is an active volunteer for a local animal rescue. As an HC Alum, Alaine is now a Her Campus Chapter Advisor and is excited to be a positive influence and professional partner for CC's in her new role.