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Alaine Perconti: President and Co-Founder of Her Campus MU Ohio

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.


It’s about time we interviewed our own President, wouldn’t you say so collegiettes? While we are already getting sentimental about saying goodbye to our fearless leader, we are especially inspired by her advice to other students looking to start an organization on campus. Learn more about the talented and involved Alaine Perconti below:

Name: Alaine Perconti

Year: Senior

Hometown: Westlake, OH

Major: Double Major in Marketing and Journalism

Minor: Interactive Media Studies

Hobbies: Fantasy football, boating in the summertime, and making the most of her senior year.

Favorite Season in Oxford: Fall- essentially when it gets just cold enough to wear scarves and riding boots! And of course, when campus is so beautiful.

Favorite Oxford Memory: Family dinners at Fiesta Charra with my Delta Sigma Pi family.

Dream job: Working with a corporate philanthropy or charitable foundation.

Fun Fact about Alaine: She owns a pair of tights for every color of the rainbow!

And now for the hard-hitting questions HC has always wanted to know about our pres!

HC: What inspired you to start a Her Campus chapter at Miami University?

AP: It started when I applied to become a Contributing Writer for Her Campus. My friend Michelle introduced me to Her Campus freshman year and I really liked their articles, so I wanted to write for them. I wrote a lot of articles that I found interesting and extremely relevant to the college audience. Then, the summer before my junior year they pushed to create a lot of new Her Campus chapters. I was excited at the opportunity and when my co-founder Kate volunteered to help, I knew it would become a reality. I figured the ladies of Oxford would love their own Her Campus!

HC: What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment as President of Her Campus and what legacy would you like to leave behind after graduation?

AP: I hope that I have had a positive impact on the team members I have had the pleasure of working with for the past couple of years. I hope that I have given them the opportunity to pursue something they are passionate about and empowered them enough to leave behind the legacy that they want to. I also hope to have put a smile on the faces of many Miami women as they have read our funny and interesting content.

HC: In being a Co-Founder and President of Her Campus at Miami, you must be a busy woman! What other activities are you involved in on campus?

AP: On campus, I am a member of the business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi. I also am a consultant at the Howe Writing Center and I am an Undergraduate Associate for an online journalism class. In the past, I wrote for The Miami Student and have been on the Leadership Team for Miami’s Relay for Life. 

HC: What advice would you give to other students looking to start a new organization at Miami?

AP: My advice is to surround yourself with a supportive group of peers who maintain the same interests and values as yourself. If you are pursuing something that you are passionate about, you will be surprised how many people share the same passions and are willing to help. My best advice would be to go for it because it is all about what you make of your four years here and to say you started something new and left your unique mark on the school would be awesome.


Thank you Alaine for the positive impact you have had on our campus and for encouraging us to write what we are passionate about. We wish you the best of luck with your future career aspirations and look forward to getting the low-down on your success after Miami! We’ll miss you!