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Spring Activities To Put On Your Bucket List

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Spring is *finally* almost here, and if you’re like me you are jumping for joy! I have been excitedly planning all of the fun spring activities I want to do for the upcoming spring season, and you should be too! We all could use a good list of helpful ideas to help us plan our best spring yet, so make sure to screenshot all of your favs :)

Go on a Hike

As a fellow lazy gal, this one isn’t always the one I jump for but I am in love with nature and getting exercise into my day. You can go with friends or by yourself, but no matter what you will be so happy you did it afterwards. There are so many great trails for many different levels of hiking that you probably don’t even know about. 

Plant a Garden

If you’re lucky enough to have the space to plant even a small garden you definitely should. Whether it be a veggie, herb, or my favorite, a flower garden there are options. Just head to your local garden shop and pick up some seeds or some already-grown plants & flowers. One of my favorite editions to a garden is the decorations you can put in them! Fairy Gardens are the best (btw). Check out your local Dollar Tree for some inexpensive garden decorations & finds!

Go to a Farmer’s Market

One of my favorite things to do no matter the season is attending a local farmers market. There are always tons of different vendors ranging from food to gifts, to collectibles. There’s something for everyone!

Plan a Picnic

Something I’ve always wanted to do is go on a cute picnic with my friends. Find a cute park or field to go to and bring a blanket, snacks, and a good book to have the perfect picnic ever! You could make some homemade sandwiches with some sweet treats or order some of your favorite take & enjoy it while spending time outdoors :) 

Visit a Botanical Garden

My favorite thing about Spring besides the nicer weather of course is the flowers! I find gardens and flowers so beautiful, there are local gardens you can visit for an aesthetic view. 

Kami Chadwick

Merrimack '26

I am a chapter member at Merrimack College with a Communication and Media Major. I hope to work in advertising or social media in the future. I am a sophomore transfer student as well. I enjoy cheerleading, organizing, reading, and decorating. I have a 1 year old brother!