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Random Acts of Kindness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

February 11-15, 2013 was officially recognized as “Random Acts of Kindness Week.”  It was an opportunity to go out of your way to do something for someone else. Maybe there was a person carrying heavy books and needed the door held open for them. Perhaps a stranger paid for your lunch in the drive thru line at the local bagel shop. Little acts of kindness do not have to be Earth shifting events; it can be a small act that puts a smile on someone’s face. Performing a kind act can make a positive difference in someone’s day. As Ellen DeGeneres always says at the end of each hour of her talk show, “Be kind to one another.”  

During the official celebration, Merrimack’s campus participated by placing clothespins throughout the campus that were meant to put smiles on recipient’s faces. With messages like, “You’re beautiful” and “Keep smiling,” students received pleasant messages. If they found these, they were encouraged to pass the clothespin on to either strangers or to friends. The Honors’ Council Table on Main Street provided treats and the chance for students to send surprise messages to people on campus.             

Merrimack Alum, Abby Clark was in the drive thru line getting her morning coffee around December 2011. When she pulled up to pay for her order, the staff member at the drive thru window informed her that the patron in front of her had bought Abby’s meal for her. The two were strangers, and Abby still does not know who the person was, but it had a positive effect. The following year around Thanksgiving Abby continued the trend by buying a strangers meal in the drive thru line as a nice surprise. Random acts of kindness can occur sporadically and happen unexpectedly.

Although the week has ended, the trend can continue for all of 2013 and beyond. Perhaps doing a kind act for someone else will inspire him or her to do one for you. Here are some ideas of how you can do a random act of kindness: Hold the door open for someone who has no free hands.                       

Think about the last kind thing someone did for you was. Write them a thank you note. Next, print out your favorite inspirational quote and hang it up in the hall of your dorm. Think about a family member you have not spoken to in a while and call them to say hello. Write someone who you have not spoken to in a while a letter. If it has snowed in your area recently, offer to shovel your neighbor’s driveway. Lastly, babysit for free and let someone go ahead of you in line. These random acts of kindness have a great impact on each person affected and it is even greater when the kindness is passed along.