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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Matt O’Neil is always on the go due to his many involvements around campus. Matt is a Junior from Hyde Park, MA and is majoring in Mathematics and Secondary Education. In his free time he enjoys playing soccer, watching a good movie, cooking, and spending time with his friends. After graduation, he plans to go to graduate school and then become a high school teacher, while working on programming at the school.

Matt is involved on the Merrimack Programming Board, where he is a co-concert chair helping to plan the spring concert. He is also the chapter educator of the fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon; he works to keep current and new members up to date on everything TKE. Also, Matt partakes in campus ministry, he is a lector at church on Sundays. On top of the many activities he is involved with, Matt still has time to play intramural soccer and be an orientation leader.

Matt admits that he loves to stay involved because it keeps him busy on campus. He says “I like interacting with people and being able to have a part in planning the events that come to Merrimack, especially the concert.”

Some advice that Matt would pass on to incoming freshmen would be to get involved with activities on campus. He adds that there is something out there for everyone and you can meet your best friends through your involvements. Matt also says that he likes the “at home” feeling he gets at Merrimack. “Everyone cares about everyone else and you will always find your place and your closest friends here.”

Matt’s future looks very bright due to his many accomplishments at Merrimack. He will continue to make a great impression on the Merrimack community as well as future employers.

Michelle is a 20 year old from Stoneham, Massachusetts. She graduated in 2010 from Stoneham High School and is now a junior at Merrimack College. She is an English major and hopes to pursue a career in journalism in the near future. She also has a part-time job which she enjoys. When she is not in school or working, she likes to spend time with family and friends. She enjoys shopping, going to the movies, and going to the beach. She loves to write and would like to write for a magazine or newspaper someday.