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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

This week’s campus celeb may be small, but she is packed with personality. Marina Maylor hails from hometown of Lynnfield and has made quite the transition to the college life and is definitely a name the Merrimack community won’t forget. Marina’s beaming smile and contagious positivity never fail to brighten even the gloomiest of days.

Saying Marina is smart isn’t giving her nearly enough credit, this Business Student is concentrating in sports management and a member of the prestigious Business Honors Society, Sigma Iota Epsilon.  Regardless of how much time she puts into her schoolwork she still manages to live not only an involved life but also one that is packed with things she enjoys and fun. When she isn’t studying you can find her hanging out with some of her friends, or in her room in Monican where she is an RA to freshman and first year students. However, if it is a Sunday you’ll have to go to the Mass in Austin hall, because she is more than involved with Campus Ministry. Marina is on Campus Ministry Council and showcases her absolutely amazing voice in the Chapel Ensemble.

One can guess from her concentration in Sports Management that Marina really enjoys athletics. While she may not be seen on the court, Marina knows how to make things happen and is the Manager of the Women’s Basketball Team. Although she is behind the scenes she is a crucial member of this group of ladies. But basketball isn’t the only sport she cares about, she attends almost every athletic event on campus and last year she was recognized for her stellar support and involvement in Merrimack Athletics. Marina was the 2012-2013 Ultimate Warrior and after a close race to get it she took the title.

It’s pretty clear that this girl is killing it in every way possible and has made it her Merrimack. For incoming freshman to this community she strongly suggests going on the Freshman Retreat and getting to know your peers before social cliques begin to form. Whether you’re an upperclassman or just someone visiting, you should say hi to Marina if she isn’t too busy running around and ensuring everything on this campus is in order.