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Keep Calm It’s Only Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Finals are coming up and so is the temperature outside, so how can you keep your mind focused on the books and not the beach? Well it isn’t easy, but as the sun starts shining be sure to place an extra emphasis on keeping your grades up. We have four weeks to get through and then it’s a stress free summer! 

There are a lot of different ways to navigate through the upcoming and incredibly stressful month while maintaining good health and grades. One way to get through this is to plan. Use every technique possible to stay on track and not fall behind. If you don’t already have a planner, invest in one to lie out what is due each week. Then, make lists of what you need to do on a daily basis.

One way to stay stress free, but also get bikini body ready is by working out and getting to the gym. Get a running buddy and go for runs around Andover and North Andover. Download the Map My Run App for free; it will track your route, average speed, and most importantly how many calories you burned. This substance free technique will help you both feel and look good.

Another way to escape and cope with the stress of finals season is to pamper oneself. A great and inexpensive way to pamper is facials. Facials not only relieve stress, but also target and get rid of the acne that is produced when one is exceedingly stressed. All natural facemasks are sold at lush for $6 and are good for 3 uses. CVS also has numerous facial options. If you aren’t into facials and are willing to spend a little money a quick manicure and pedicure is always a great option.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to reward yourself. After a long night in the library reward yourself with something good. The local ice cream shops are opening up and Orange Leaf never closes. Grab something that will elevate your mood after a long study session. Keep your head up and stay positive as these next few weeks approach!