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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Katie Ganser, who is a  senior at Merrimack has made it her goal to make every last second she spends at Merrimack count. Katie is a biology/pre-med major with a minor in psychology-human development. Her hobbies include playing basketball, exercising, photography, volunteering and serving others.

At Merrimack she is involved in many extracurricular activities. She has been part of the women’s basketball team for 4 years and has served as captain for 2 of those years. Katie is also the president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee on campus, which is the group that put on Midnight Madness and sold Springapalooza tank tops. She has been on two alternative spring break trips and this year led one to Camden, NJ. She said it was amazing and something every student on campus should try at least once. Lastly, Katie is on the Service Council-Sub Committee of the Campus Ministry Council, which works with Campus Ministry.

After graduation, Katie plans to go to medical school, but first is debating whether to get a biotech job after graduation. Ganser states that she realized her calling was to do more service before going back to her medical degree. She is deciding between the Augustinian Volunteer Program, which would have a social service related placement or Sport Changes Life, in which she would spend a year in Ireland getting a Masters degree, while coaching and serving children overseas.

Her advice to incoming freshmen would be to get involved on campus. Students should make it their Merrimack and the best part is the people because of their continuous support. She concludes that the community is very unique and we are lucky to be a part of it.

Katie has built many friendships  and has been a huge part of the Merrimack community. We wish her luck in all that she continues to achieve in her future!

Michelle is a 20 year old from Stoneham, Massachusetts. She graduated in 2010 from Stoneham High School and is now a junior at Merrimack College. She is an English major and hopes to pursue a career in journalism in the near future. She also has a part-time job which she enjoys. When she is not in school or working, she likes to spend time with family and friends. She enjoys shopping, going to the movies, and going to the beach. She loves to write and would like to write for a magazine or newspaper someday.