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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Name: Jonny

Year: Sophomore

Major: Sports Medicine

Hometown: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Relationship Status: Single


Interests/Activities: I love to play and watch sports but especially football and hockey. 

What do you look for in a girl? Some qualities I look for are: Hard working, modest, independent, compassionate, and funny.

Best date you’ve been on? It’s not really headline grabbing but I went on a mini-golfing excursion which was enjoyable. 

Biggest turn ons? From the athletic part of me a girl who is competitive and from other part of me it’s neat to see a girl working well with young kids or helping the elderly out. 

Biggest turn offs? Swearing. I can understand the odd word when someone’s angry but I can’t stand it when it becomes an integral part of someone’s vocabulary. I’m also not a big fan of excessive jewelry or certain piercings.

Best pick up line…does it work? I’m frequently asked about God’s Country (Canada) and it’s usually a fantastic way get to know people. If I really just want to hear myself talk though I’ll start talking about the Saskatchewan Roughriders, the greatest football team to ever set foot on Earth.

First thing you notice in a girl? Her eyes, and then her smile.  Some people have a twinkle in their eyes and a face that radiates.

If you could trade places with someone, who would it be? I admire Michael Jordan, Rocky Marciano and Muhammad Ali but I’m happy with my life and I wouldn’t trade it with anybody.

3 things you would bring with you to a deserted island? Although the practical part of me would want to take a fishing pole, a “Dummies Guide To Build A Boat” and my computer, I would definitely take the scrapbook my five younger siblings gave to me for my 20th birthday, the letters I received from the people in Camrose after I finished my junior hockey career there (in particular the one from the billet family I stayed with for three years), and the book “Goals” by Brian Tracy.

Biggest fear? If I ever have the privilege to be a parent my biggest fear would be something happening to my child – i.e. them getting gravely sick or kid napped  and not being able to help them at all.

Where is the best place to meet girls on campus? I’ve been fortunate to meet many great friends from different classes and events around campus.

Blondes or brunettes? It doesn’t really matter to me. I’ve met very attractive girls with various colours of hair. 

Most romantic thing you’ve done for a girl? I haven’t really done much. I’m kind of old fashioned I guess, but I think I would need her father’s permission first before I really did anything too romantic with a girl.

Favorite song to dance to at a party? Ode to Oi – by TJR

Celebrity crush? I realized years ago that I would likely never marry a celebrity, and as a result I have never actually had a celebrity crush.

How do you like to spend your weekends here?  Outside of the rink and playing hockey, I enjoy relaxing with my teammates and friends.  I also love watching football.

Best way to win you over? Work hard, enjoy life to the fullest and be yourself. There’s a perfect plan in store for everyone

Fun fact? Last year was the first time I had been in a classroom since grade two as I was homeschooled from Grade 2 all the way through high school.

Best compliment you’ve received? My Grandparents once told me that “I was like the son they never had”. I still get goose bumps when I think of that. 

Life motto? Write down your goals, make plans to achieve them, and work on your plans every single day.

How do you feel about being this week’s campus cutie? I was surprised but extremely honoured to be named campus cutie for the week.

Jessica is an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing.  She is a member of the Honor's Program, Her Campus, The Writer's House Writing Circle, Orientation, and Onstagers Theater.  Her hobbies include drinking Diet Pepsi, daydreaming, and writing about every experience/scenario she can think of.
Rachel DeYoung is a junior at Merrimack College pursuing a degree in Business Marketing with a minor in Mass Communications. This is her third year as a member of the Her Campus Merrimack College chapter where she assumes the role of Campus Correspondent. You can follow her on Instagram (rdeyoung)