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‘Her’ Guide to Sustaining Balance in Relationships

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Relationships span a broad spectrum, including friendships, romantic relationships, family, professional connections, and relationships with yourself. In TV shows, there is almost always an episode in which one of the friends gets a boyfriend or girlfriend and completely shuts out their past relationships. Whether that be family or friends, the character glues to their partner daily and does everything with them. It is extremely normal for new romantic relationships to be attached to the hip, but how can we balance our lives?

To some, this concept can be simple, but to others, it is difficult to juggle plans. The first thing to note is to always do what you want to do even in the plans you make in advance. Plans are ever changing meaning there almost always will be times things do not go the way you thought they would. So, if you want to leave the party to hang out with your partner, do not feel guilty. 

I find it more difficult to find time with myself in balancing classes, and my relationships. Once I feel that way, I plan a night where I can get into bed early to call my mom, have a long shower, and journal for 10 minutes. This just helps me center my thoughts and reflect on how I am doing rather than worry about how others are. There are times when plans have to come into play. For my friends, I love to have a show we can watch almost every day like Love Island or The Bachelor which is likely every Monday night. With my boyfriend, planning dates helps me figure out when I know I will spend time with him. So, maybe the day before, I will have a whole day with my best friend. I find myself so much happier when I have a healthy relationship with everyone, and I do not feel isolated. 

It is so important to always keep family and friendships close to your heart and your priority. Just like you would want someone to be there for you when in need, they want the same for you. In my opinion, the weekends are more difficult because my boyfriend has a different going-out style than my friends and I. So in that case, I take it weekend by weekend. If I want to prioritize him that weekend, I will go over there and even extend the offer to my friends. If I want to prioritize my besties, then I will do the same. 

It is all about balance and making sure you do not spread yourself too thin. Remember that this is your life, and you choose the path you want to take. There are no right or wrong ways, just shortcuts, the long way, and many lessons, but mistakes are supposed to happen. When a problem arises and one of your relationships starts to drift, try reaching out and planning something with them. This shows that you truly care about them. Our relationships are what get us through life when we need a shoulder to cry on or someone to laugh with. Never forget the joy your presence brings to others and others’ joy for you.

Hi! I am a Senior at Merrimack college studying Marketing in Business with interests in Graphic Design as well as Social Media. I enjoy working out, playing on the club softball team at Merrimack and hanging out with my friends. I am so excited to be apart of the Her Campus community and share my opinions on all aspects!