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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

This week’s campus celeb is definitely someone worth watching. If you haven’t seen her around campus, you should probably open your eyes because she isn’t someone you want to miss. Brennan Twardowski, a junior here at Merrimack is an incredibly involved, self proclaimed “social butterfly.” Born and raised in Kingston, Pennsylvania, Brennan made the trek up to the North Shore to pursue a degree in criminology, with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies; Law, Ethics, and Society. Although her entire life isn’t mapped out before her, she said that she hopes to “do something epic!”

Brennan’s favorite thing to do on campus is a bit of a surprise. What she enjoys the most about our school are the campus events. She is definitely an individual that has made it her mission to make it her Merrimack. This favorite activity of getting involved and attending events directly reflects how entwined she is with our campus.

Brennan is involved in numerous different associations on campus including the Merrimack Planning Board, Zeta Tau Alpha, Relay for Life, Student Association of Sociology and Criminology, and of course that little thing called school work. Through her impressive list of extracurriculars, it is clear Brennan is someone that loves giving back and helping others, a mission she plans on achieving in her lifetime.

Brennan got involved in all of these things as a freshman by jumping in headfirst. She said that she didn’t worry about being that awkward freshman and she knew that if she didn’t start joining things her freshman year she would never get involved. Her biggest advice to those who are looking to get involved is to take a similar approach to what she did. She said to simply squash your fears and go for it… everything will fall into place!  She also suggested reading the millions of flyers that are unavoidable for ideas on what to get involved in.

By joining things you can definitely grow as a person and make friends with people you may not normally associate yourself with. Brennan said that she has achieved personal fruition through making new friends and setting personal goals, things that have stemmed out of her involvement. She has definitely grown here for the better and blossomed into an amazing individual! Take your next step and follow her lead, make it your Merrimack!