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Your Week Back from Break in GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Waking up at 8am for your 9am class

Looking around the classroom and realizing that half the class skipped the first day back

Taking that first sip of coffee

When you crash in the middle of the afternoon

And when you wake up

On Tuesday, realizing how much homework you have to do

Finding out that it’s Midterms week

Finding out how many Midterms you have

Trying to find a study room in the library

Realizing that it’s only Wednesday

When you have so many high hopes about being productive

Habitually checking Facebook and Twitter

When you watch one episode of a show on Netflix as a study break

When you watch an entire season…and a half

When your friends stage a Netflix intervention

Talking to that one friend who isn’t stressed about anything

Realizing you haven’t gotten anything done

That one professor who thinks it’s fun to have a paper due in conjunction with every other major assignment in your other classes

Seeking Pinterest for refuge

When it’s fall, but we have summer weather

When there’s still not a study room in the library open

Wishing it was Thanksgiving break already

Realizing that after Thanksgiving break you have finals

Getting out of your last class on Friday

Having survived the week