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Your First Week at Mercer (in GIFs)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Starting your college career is a huge deal, and if you’re anything like me, you had no idea what to expect. I mean, sure, you went on the campus tours and talked to a few students, but that’s hardly the real Mercer experience. So in the hopes that this will help ease any anxiety you might have (or if you want to look back on your freshman year with fondness), here’s what you can look forward to in your first week at Mercer.


Packing up all your stuff

Arriving on campus

Seeing the chaos of everyone moving in at the same time

Meeting your roomie for the first time

Trying to get your parents to leave

Once they’re gone

Looking at everything you have to unpack

Your PA at orientation

Your O-Group’s reaction to your PA

Walking into the Caf for the first time

Making eye contact with the cutie at the salad bar

Caf cookies

Waking up late for your first class

Realizing it only takes five minutes to get there

Walking up to the Admin Building tower

Seeing the view

Finding someone who has a car

The clubs downtown

Watching a fight break out downtown

Everyone riding the trolley back to campus at 2am

Realizing Mercer feels like home