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Why YOU should love Adam Scott

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Adam Scott is straight up adorable, y’all. 

If you don’t love him, that’s really sad. He’s way more attractive than that guy on that show you watch. I would not lie to you.

Not only does he look really adorable in a button-up and a bow tie, but Party Down is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. It is on Netflix instant view. WATCH IT. BOW TIES ARE COOL!

 Look how cute that is! Henry Pollard is dry, hilarious and just very, very handsome. 

Unfortunately the show was cancelled after two seasons — BUT!!! Adam Scott is now on NBC’s Parks and Rec. He plays Ben and has a huge crush on Amy Poehler’s character. How could you not want to watch that show? Two of the greatest people ever exchaning little glances? And he’s way swoony after her and she’s totally cool about it, if not oblivious? Perfect. And again, Adam Scott is hilarious and still wears those tight button ups. He’s so tiny and his shirts are so tight. I endorse it.

And Rob Lowe is on the show, for some added attractive points. 

Adam Scott was also the slightly creepy (but still dreamy) teacher on Veronica Mars where he tried to seduce Kristen Bell with black silk sheets and pizza. And then he dates Bell’s character on Party Down

But possibly most important is that Adam Scott played the new tough guy on Boy Meets World. Yeah. Tell me how you CAN’T love him? 

Adam Scott is definitely way cooler than that Justin Bieber nerd and he’s definitely more attractive than any of those hooligans in Twilight

If you don’t love Adam Scott, that is ridicy – donky.

I’ll say this now: You’re welcome. Enjoy some awesome TV, kid. 

Kathleen has red hair, blue eyes and a ridiculous amount of freckles. Her favorite actor is Jason Schwartzman and her true love is television. She also enjoys comic books, 'Doctor Who' and cupcakes. Currently, Kathleen is a senior at Mercer University and is earning her double major in Journalism and English. She hopes to move to New York and become a real life Liz Lemon. At Mercer, Kathleen is the News Editor of the campus paper, 'The Cluster.' Also, Kathleen is part of the equestrian team, Society for Collegiate Journalists and several honor societies. Kathleen also is the head of the Mercer University HerCampus team and would love for fellow Mercer students to contact her about writing for the site by E-mailing her at KathleenQuinlan@HerCampus.com