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Talented Performer: Thomas Patton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Name: Thomas Andrew Patton

Major: Biomedical engineering

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity Crush: Taylor Lautner and Emma Watson

Favorite genre of Music:Irish folk

Favorite Food:Poutine – it’s a French dish consisting of French fries covered in melted cheese curds and brown gravy.

Three words that describe you: Honest, loyal, and trustworthy.

Pet Peeve: Chewing with an open mouth.

Spring Break Plans: I will be staying on campus for the entire spring break, in order to prepare for college cheerleading nationals. So I’ll either be at practice or sitting alone in my dorm room.

Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social