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Spirit of Mercer: Allison Harrison

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.


Year: Junior

Major: Accounting, Economics, Spanish

Campus Involvement: Student Admissions Team, Peer Advisor, Mercer Ambassador, RUF, Delta Sigma Pi

Describe your personality and character: I am very energetic, optimistic, and diligent. For my character, my prayer is that I am reflecting the character of Christ and demonstrating His love.
I realize that it is only by His grace and only through Him that I could possibly do anything good.

Favorite Part of Mercer: My favorite part of Mercer is the community we have here. The students are highly involved with activities on campus, and the professors are invested in their students’ lives. Mercer has become my second home, and I know I will have strong ties with this wonderful place after I graduate.

My future profession: Accountant. I enjoy this area of business because it is analytical, logical, and practical. There are so many applications of the field and opportunities in it. Everyone needs a good accountant!

My worst fear: It is kind of weird. It is being struck by lightening. When I was in elementary school, I saw a television show about freak accidents, and it showed a lady being struck by lightning through a window in her house. It freaked me out a little bit.

If you could spend one week with any person in the world, who would that be and why: I think it would be kind of cool to spend a week with the duo of Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor. They are Olympic champions in beach volleyball, and it would a lot of fun to travel and play volleyball, which is my favorite sport. 

Bucket List:

1)Travel to Australia

2) Learn to play the acoustic guitar

3)Take a road trip across the United States

Hidden Talent: I play the piano.

Currently Listening to: Mumford and Sons, NEEDTOBREATHE, The Civil Wars

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why: If I could have dinner with anyone in history, it would be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was such a man of integrity and faith, and it would be great to soak up some of his wisdom. 

Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans

Favorite Quote: “So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.” –Dr. Suess

Idea that keeps you inspire: The gospel – “But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Olivia is a Business Major at Mercer University, pursuing a degree in Management and a minor in Marketing. With love for the arts she aspire to someday open her own bakery and non-profit organization for the arts. With a passion for all thing in life she hopes to spread the joy of community and creativity.