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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Georgia National Fair which means even more spectacular events, rides, food, and memories. This fair (also known as the Perry Fair) is a huge event that takes place every October, right before Halloween. It takes place in Perry, GA which is known for its Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter. The Fairgrounds is where the fair is set up every year.

To you all who have never been to a fair before, I would definitely recommend this particular fair which is only short drive away from Macon. The tickets are only $10 to get into the fair. Games inside the fair cost a small fee, but tickets for the game are not expensive at all. Perfect for college students!

Once you enter into the magical land of a fair, you are bombarded with many different sights, smells, tastes, feels, and sounds. Go stand before the magnificent Ferris Wheel, and watch as it turns with many excited children and green-faced adults who have motion sickness. Walk on over to the giant clock, pop a squat on a bench, and people-watch. (The restrooms are close by, so you will have to visit the clock sooner or later). Once you’re done with that, hop onto the airlift as the ride takes you across the fair. You will be able to see so many people and all of the different games/rides. The wind could be chilly up there, so make sure to take a jacket!

Photo creds to http://www.greyunicorn.com/

What’s that smell? Your sniffer urges you to start walking quickly to the left until you end up at a hotdog stand! Of course you buy a famous corndog, just to say that you’ve had one. Pick up a homemade lemonade (with real lemons!) while you’re at it. Later, you keep passing boiled peanut stands and funnel cakes. Feeling like a tourist in ‘ole Perry, you feel like you have to indulge in these luxuries. Share a funnel cake with a friend or eat it all yourself. Nobody can judge you. It’s a fair!

Photocreds to http://www.popnmama.com/Products/Funnel-Cakes.php

While indulging in your first bite of funnel cake, the cake melts in your mouth due to it be freshly made. The powdered sugar adds just the perfect sweetness to this delicious treat to make the high price seem a bit more reasonable. Walk arm-in-arm with your bestie to the fortune teller while she snacks on some boiled peanuts. As she pops some in her mouth, ask her to pop some into your hand so you can enjoy full fair experience, too!

After the fortune teller rips you off and tells you that you’re going to die in seven days, make your way on over to the official barn and petting zoo of the fair. Run your hand down the back of a chunky pig. Feed some carrots to a horse. Scratch a dog behind the ears. Survey all of the animals that were brought there to be judged. Enjoy being around these animals because let’s face it: a pig isn’t going to judge the amount of powdered sugar that you accidently poured onto your shirt. Only people judge those sorts of things.

Lastly, enjoy the sound of squealing animals, unhappy children, tired adults, rambunctious teenagers, loud buzzers, and the rush of wind when you walk by a ride. These noises embody the fair along with the sight of the Ferris Wheel, smell of the hotdogs, taste of the funnel cake, and feel of animal fur. Be content to be a part of such a vibrant event.

Photo creds to http://torreypinestowncar.com/blog/game-on-at-the-san-diego-county-fair/

Make sure to visit the Perry Fair next fall. This year being the 25th anniversary of the fair, it showcased concerts from Lady Antebellum and The Four Tops, art exhibits, free admission for people who are in or where in the military, and many different vendors. More information concerning special events and concerts held there can be found at georgianationalfair.com.  

Photo creds to http://gryphon-hb.deviantart.com/art/Georgia-National-Fair-02-182427734