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Organization of Black Students Host Events

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

The Organization of Black Students (OBS) aims to unite not only students of African descent, but all students as a whole.
As President, senior Jasmine Fuller has been involved with OBS since her freshman year, and saw that there were some changes that she wanted to implement during her term. “Things that I saw from previous years were the programs that were put on. I saw how some worked and some didn’t work as well.  Changes that I want make is to have an increase in participation at those events and programs, and to let people know that we are not just here for black people. We are here for everybody,” uttered Fuller.
In the past, OBS has hosted events and even partnered with other student organizations such as the National Pan-Hellenic Council Greeks and Delta Sigma Pi.
“We do events such as poetry slams and paintballing,” said Co-Vice President Tia Jacobs. Jacobs also stated that these events promote unity and allow everyone to get together.
“There is only so much that we can do, so it helps to partner with organizations,” urged Jacobs.
Last year, OBS partnered with Campus Life to host the event “Our President is Black, Now What?”
This semester, OBS has had four successful events alone, most of which were featured during the month of February in honor of Black History Month.
The event featured attending church on Sunday, Black History Month trivia on Monday and they wrapped up the week with a movie night featuring the film Ghosts of Mississippi. OBS provided this event in order for students to become aware of non-mainstream historical African-American figures.
Although this organization hosts and promotes great events, they admit that their biggest problem is low student turnout. The group has nearly 50 members, but only 10 members who participate consistently.
When asked how this week fared in comparison with others, Fuller admits that it was better.
“It was a little bit better than others, sometimes we have zero people come. So, just having five people was good,” said Fuller.
Jacobs also utters the same sentiments. “I don’t know what it is about this year, but people are really staying in their rooms,” Jacobs said jokingly.
The final event that the group will host this semester will be the talent showcase at the end of March. “Different groups perform and show of their talent, whether it is singing, dancing, poetry or spoken word,” said Fuller.
The winner of the talent showcase will be chosen by the crowd, and given a prize.
There is no fee to enter into the competition, so all students are encouraged to sign up.
The executive board and the members of OBS want to find something that is interesting to students in hopes of drawing a larger crowd. “We need ideas. We can’t think for the whole (student) body. We want your input, so tell us what would bring you out,” said Jacobs.
OBS encourages all students to come out and support their initiatives and events.

Ashley is a senior at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. She is a journalism major with a minor in art. Playing an active role on campus, she is a staff writer for The Cluster, Secretary for the Society for Collegiate Journalists, Build Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity and On-site reporter for Mercer99 News. In her spare time she enjoys cooking, volunteering, watching ESPN and any installment of The Real Housewives. After graduation Ashley plans to attend graduate school seeking a dual degree in journalism and law.