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Marc Feliciano ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Marc Feliciano is a freshman this year at Mercer with a major in Technical Communications. He runs to the future with high hopes looking to become a successful web designer so that some day he can start his own charity. Coming from humbled beginnings, Marc is an immigrant from the Philippians with nothing but love and kindness on his mind, because “coming from a Christian background I want to be serving and I want to help others.” He earned his way up to this week’s Campus Celebrity through his run for Sophomore Senator Office in hopes to “help other excel and go towards their goal.” He wants nothing more than to help Mercer’s upcoming sophomore class by doing “whatever I can do to help them and make their time here enjoyable.”
Olivia is a Business Major at Mercer University, pursuing a degree in Management and a minor in Marketing. With love for the arts she aspire to someday open her own bakery and non-profit organization for the arts. With a passion for all thing in life she hopes to spread the joy of community and creativity.
Ashley is a senior at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. She is a journalism major with a minor in art. Playing an active role on campus, she is a staff writer for The Cluster, Secretary for the Society for Collegiate Journalists, Build Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity and On-site reporter for Mercer99 News. In her spare time she enjoys cooking, volunteering, watching ESPN and any installment of The Real Housewives. After graduation Ashley plans to attend graduate school seeking a dual degree in journalism and law.