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Making A Mark: Michael Roberts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Name: Michael Roberts

Major: French/International Business

Organizations: Peer Advisors, Phonathon (Does slave to the library count?)

Three words that describe you: Motivated, Curious, Shy

What are your thoughts on the government shutdown( when it was shut down)? I actually only learned about it the week of the shutdown. I don’t pay much attention to politics. But I thought it was pretty scary.

Who is the most influential person in your life? My parents, as cheesy as that sounds. They’ve made me into the person I am today, and I’m so grateful for that.

What is your favorite MU tradition? I love taking my O-Group to the tower to see who all has come before us. I sign my name at least three times whenever I go. I think I enjoy it more than they do!

What class at Mercer currently intrigues you? If I had time, I’d love to take the Harry Potter English class, or maybe Cooking and Chemistry. I need to learn how to cook!

Favorite Motto:  “I believe that when talent meets preparation meets opportunity, you can breed success.” – Katy Perry

Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social