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Killer BoyToy: Korby Bohannon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Name: Korby Bohannon

Major: Business Marketing

Relationship Status: Available ;-)

Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Drums, Piano, Singing, Writing Songs, Working Out, Designing, Skateboarding, Cooking, Dancing (though I’m not good at it, lol), and Working On/Racing Vehicles

Favorite Genre of Music: Rock, but really anything that sounds good.

Where I’m From: Camden, North London.

Celebrity Crush: Ugh, there are so many…

Looks or Personality? Looks definitely draw me in, but personality keeps me around.

Ideal Date: Don’t really have one, because my desire changes depending on the day and who I’m with.

Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social