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Fierce Fall Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

 Summertime is officially over and the fall fashion season is here. For many of you that means that it is time to put up the shorts, printed tanks and sundresses and shop for a new fall wardrobe.

Now, you may not know whether or not to try bold colors or play it safe with casual comfort.

If you are not sure about what direction to take for this season, fear not because many of your fellow Mercerians have approaches and advice for this fall fashion season.

Seniors, Thomaesa Brundage and Ashley Mann are two self proclaimed fashionistas that have plans for the fall.

These two follow their own personal fashion statements. “I wear what makes me look good and accentuate my features. I march to the beat of my own drum,” said Brundage. “My grandmother always says that pearls, mascara and heels can take a girl a long way,” said Mann.

Drawing on classic and modern icons from Audrey Hepburn to Michelle Obama to Beyonce, these two have mapped out their own themes for the fall.

“First and foremost, Nicki Minaj is the absolute fashion don’t of the season. Whatever she puts on do the opposite, said Brundage.

For this season, “I am going to implement blazers of course. I’m still into neutral colors, and one of the things that I would like to try is chunky knit sweaters and crochet dresses,” said Mann.  She is also looking to wear more reds, neutrals and grays in her wardrobe. Scarves and handbags are her personal must have accessories. “My goal is to collect scarves from various countries. I really like tribal prints. I’ve stretched my palette in scarfology,” said Mann.

 “I just want to be warm, cozy and beautiful,” said Brundage. She plans to wear more earth tones like mocha and amber.Shoes are essential for Brundage. “The shoes make or break your aura because your feet hold you up and lead you through life,” said Brundage.

 “Also, remember that you’re never fully dressed without a smile,” said Brundage quoting Annie. Also, “your look is never complete without a spritz of perfume,” said Mann.

Mercer Player, Shamir Long also follows his own personal fashion statement. “I can make it work when no one else can,” said Long.

“I normally try to dress in things that people are afraid to take risks with,” said Long. His theme for the fall involves layers, v neck sweaters and multiple color slacks and pants. Also, he plans to wear more browns, greens and burnt orange.

 Long’s must have accessory are ascots. “Ascots are about to be my next thing. You’ve got to step it up. I’ve already done bow ties,” said Long.

For those of you that are more laid back, junior, Lindsey Sharpless and sophomore, Connor Cosenza have their own approaches for the fall.

“I have things that I wear that I play up, but I’m not extreme. I like to be comfortable,” said Sharpless.
Cosenza dresses for comfort as well. Even so, Cosenza and some of his friends have implemented Fancy Fridays in which they dress up and go all out on Fridays wearing a range of clothes from suits and ties to jackets with slacks and bowties.

Whether you want to be bold or dress for comfort for the fall, the most important thing to keep in mind is originality. Make sure that you make the style your own!

Hometown: Moultrie, GA College: Mercer University I come from a small town in the real South. I have always loved writing, and now, I am studying Journalism at Mercer. Look out for me. I have big dreams, and I am not backing down. I am a mystery just waiting to be solved.