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Dude Doing College: Carlos Diaz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Name:  Juan Carlos Diaz II (I go by Carlos Diaz)

Major: Psychology and Criminal Justice

Organizations Involved: Mercer University Intramurals, Sports Officials Association,  Mercer Judicial Board, Opportunity Scholars, Think Tank Mercer

Three words that describe you: Honest, Social, Dependable

What about Mercer is different than what you expected it to be? I did not expect the amount of organizations and chances to get involved in the community through Mercer. It was a pleasant surprise to know that Mercer gives so much to surrounding community. I did not think that almost every organization does something to give back to Macon.

Who has influenced you the most? Both of my parents have influenced me the most. They are both very hardworking and are living proof that if you work hard, you can succeed. My mother has always supported me and pushed me to always better myself. I admire my father’s drive to do his best in everything he does. He is also very supportive and constantly reminds me of how proud he is in everything I have already and will accomplish. They inspire me to always do better.

What MU tradition do you enjoy the most?  I enjoy homecoming the most. I love watching all the organizations perform there skits and cheering them on. It is just a great atmosphere to be with friends. Plus we get hot chocolate. Can’t beat that. 

What are your future plans? I am currently planning on attending law school. However, after talking to advisors and family members, I am reevaluating everything. I’ll make the best out of any situation I end up in. 

Favorite Motto/Quote:

If you want something but do not want to deal with the obstacles, then you do not really want it -Original Quote by myself

Woot! I'm an indian chick who is kind of different. I am friendly and social