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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

This past week, Career Services at Mercer hosted a fashion show on professional outfits called Dress to Impress. The second and last outfits display what you can wear to an interview. The first outfit shows a fall interview attire. Also the fashion show included the third outfit which would be a business casual look but would be interview ready if it included a blazer of some sort and pantyhose. For more assistance in resume building, professional attire, and job searches contact Career Services here.                                                                                                                 Photo credit: Marc Feliciano

Steffiny is a senior pursuing a B.A Accounting degree at Mercer University. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus, she is a Contributing Writer for Her Campus Mercer. Steffiny is very active at her campus. She is the Vice President of Alumni Relations for Delta Sigma Pi (the professional business fraternity), a Resident Assistant, and she works at the Academic Resource Center. Steffiny has many other talents, one of which is Indian dance choreography. If she could be anything in the world, she hopes to be a mermaid. Steffiny likes to travel, spend time with family and friends, listen to Disney songs (especially the Tarzan soundtrack), and play in the rain. This past summer she went to New Zealand for an accounting internship. After she graduates in May 2015, she will go to Thailand to teach English for nine months!