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Dieting Mistakes: “Healthy” Options to Avoid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

A new trend has popped up over the past years concerning food. People have become more conscious about what they’re eating. Fast food places now have calories listed on their menus, organic, GMO (Genetically Modified Organism)-free foods have become popular, and juicing fruits and vegetables has become the new fad diet. While it’s wonderful that people are becoming more aware about their food products, marketers have picked up on this new obsession with healthy foods. Take for instance Nutella. The delicious (but not very nutritious) hazelnut spread markets itself as a healthy product, mostly directed at health-conscious parents looking for tasty snacks for their children. The company was actually sued by one parent who specifically bought the product because she was led to believe by their advertisements that it was healthy. There are many food products that do the same thing. By slapping on a misleading label, food companies can make it seem as if their product is good for you, when in fact, it’s just the opposite.

Here are a few food-related dieting mistakes: 

1)      Diet soda

Let’s start off with a product you might already know is not very healthy. Anything claiming to be ‘diet’, ‘light’, or ‘zero calorie’ is something you should definitely avoid. While you will not be getting calories, the additives found in diet drinks make you retain weight.  All products boasting zero calories have an ingredient in common: aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used to make those diet drinks taste close to the real thing. However, studies have linked this sweetener to kidney failure. This sweetener is found in over 6,000 products. Just stick to the regular, non ‘light’ products if you want to avoid aspartame.

2)       Juice Trend 

Juicing has become the new ‘thing’ in dieting. Many blended juices you find in your local grocery store boast things like “no added sugar” or “GMO free” and list tons of fruits and vegetables that are blended to create a delicious, smoothie-like drink. Personally, I was very excited to start trying these ‘healthy juices’, until I did research online. Unfortunately, these juices are very high in sugar, which is why no sugar needs to be added. Yes, these sugars are natural and from the fruit used in the beverage. However, by blending these fruits, the fiber you would normally get from just eating the fruits is lost, leaving only the sugar. It would be healthier to eat the fruit instead of making it into a smoothie concoction.

3)      Flat-bread at Subway. 

Let me just say, I love flat-bread. It’s delicious. It seems like you would be eating less bread by choosing this option at Subway, but that isn’t the case. Flat-bread around the same calories and has the same nutritional value as the other bread options. Flat-bread is actually just compressed bread, not less.

4)      Fat-free Foods

Many foods that aren’t very healthy, such as potato chips, have started labeling their products as ‘fat-free.’ Don’t be fooled by this marketing ploy. If you think it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Just because a product is said to be ‘fat-free’ or contain ‘no trans-fat’ does not mean it is healthy.

5)      Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt is another tasty treat that has emerged over the past decade and has been considered a healthy snack option. While froyo is definitely better for than ice cream, it’s important to remember that it’s still a dessert, loaded with sugars. If you’re like me and need to calm your sweet tooth, frozen yogurt is definitely a better choice than most desserts. Just don’t think eating froyo all day is healthy.

6)      Trail Mix

Another misguided snack food. While trail mix is a delicious snack, it’s basically the equivalent of candy. However, you can make trail mix healthy by making it yourself. Instead of M&Ms, use dark chocolate for that sweet taste, dried fruit, and nuts. Avoid trail mixes filled with chocolate, yogurt-covered anything, and fried crisps. They’re filled with trans-fats and refined carbs.

7)      Bars: Energy, fiber, protein etc.

Those chocolaty covered cookie-flavored bars that promise protein or 40% of your daily fiber look almost too good to be true; that’s because they are. These bars are one step away from being candy bars! Though most of them do fulfill their promises of adding fiber to your diet, it’s much healthier to eat an apple or string-cheese. You get the same nutrients without the sugar.

8)      Baked chips 

Can’t a girl just eat potato chips without having a guilty conscious?! Sadly, baked chips, though they possess fewer calories than regular chips, are much more processed. They also have a high amount of high-fructose corn syrup. If you crave something salty, eat nuts instead.

9)      Frozen diet dinners 

If you’re on the low-calorie diet, you’ve probably at least tried some kind of frozen dinner. However, besides being low in calories, there isn’t much nutrition found in any type of frozen meal entrée. They’re low in fiber and very high in sodium. Lots of people have lost pounds strictly eating frozen dinners. If you’re one of them, remember to drink A LOT of water to balance out those high intakes of sodium!

10)   Not eating

Many people think that not eating is healthy. The fewer calories, the better, right? Wrong. Oh so wrong. You need at LEAST 1200 calories a day no matter what body type you have. Though this form of ‘dieting’ seems the most promising, it is not healthy. Not eating slows down your metabolism, making it harder for you to lose weight. Your body also goes into a type of survival mode because it does not know the next it will receive nutrients. It will store everything you eat as fat. I suggest downloading the free My Fitness Pal app. It’s a great way to keep track of calories and help you get on the right path of your diet. 

Katie is a sophomore studying English Literature and Anthropology at Mercer University. When not reading for her classes, she is still reading for pleasure! Katie is a major bookworm whose dream in life is to simply read all day (but, unfortunately, being a well-rounded reader doesn't pay the bills) or be a manatee princess...which isn't very realistic either. Other than books and manatees, Katie has a passion for song, piano, and nature. You can often catch her gazing at the clouds or looking up at tree branches. "The stars gleam, the poets dream..." -Jonathan Larson