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Combat Stress with Simple Silence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

College is back in session and for many of you that means returning to a familiar campus and having some long awaited reunions with friends. While other students are leaving home for the first time to begin an exciting and terrifying new phase of life.

Whether a freshman or an upperclassman there is one thing that all college students have in common all year long, massive amounts stress.

Every student enters the academic year with their own unique set of work and worries ranging from financial aid issues to class scheduling to roommate troubles.

In the midst of dealing with standing in long lines, advising appointments and what seems like mountains of paperwork and red tape, classes start bright and early Tuesday morning.

These classes alone tack on a different level of stress that includes finding time in the day to do homework assignments, reading assignments, studying for pop quizzes, exams and beginning research for papers.

There is enough stress floating around to make getting through a single year seem like an impossible task.
Every year college students wonder how to cut down on this overwhelming amount of stress throughout the year.

The answer that a lot of students get from teachers, friends and parents is simply to just not stress. Meanwhile, any student knows that to just not stress is a lot harder than it sounds.
There are many things that a person can do to combat stress, but there is one simple solution that may be able to help with the constant thoughts that run through your mind. That solution is to meditate.

Why meditate? Well, everyone should learn the importance and the beauty of simple silence.
Think about it, college campuses are some of the noisiest places in the world. All day long students are surrounded by constant chatter and noise inside and outside of their classes.
Even in a dorm room, a student is packed into a hall with at least 20 or more students that all have their own agenda.

A student’s room is supposed to be the one place of refuge from the outside world, where they can relax and study. Although it is difficult to relax when someone down the hall is blaring music, another person is knocking on your door to hang out, or a group of students decide to stop right in front of your door to finish their conversation.

With all of these distractions always looming around every corner, finding a silent spot on campus is essential to having good mental health.

It can be in the library, in the gym, or at a coffee shop. A person should be able to have at least 10 minutes of silence per day. That means having at least 10 minutes for yourself that is not invaded by the problems of the outside world.

Find that place whether on or off campus, where you can find some peace and quiet. The place can be anywhere that suits you, but once there just take a breath and meditate.



Hometown: Moultrie, GA College: Mercer University I come from a small town in the real South. I have always loved writing, and now, I am studying Journalism at Mercer. Look out for me. I have big dreams, and I am not backing down. I am a mystery just waiting to be solved.