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Christina Vasquez ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Many of you have seen her around campus, seeing as she is the Student Government Association. Senior Class President, but for those of you that don’t know let’s take some time to find out about Christina Vasquez. Aside from her activities, students would describe Christina as always having a smile on her face and an uplifting word to say.

Her Campus: Where are you originally from?

Vasquez: I am originally from Jacksonville, FL where I lived 18 years before coming to Mercer. My mom is American but descends from Irish, French, and German heritage. My father is also American but descends from Spanish, Mexican, and Aztec Indian backgrounds.

HC: Tell us about your recent Mercer On Mission experience in Liberia last summer.

Vasquez: Liberia revealed my inner-hippy and helped me realize how much simpler and more enjoyable life can be with just basic food, shelter, and people around who you love. I often say I want to go live on a big piece of land surrounded by water, walk around barefoot, and grow my own food. Liberia gave me a taste of that and broadened my idea of where I can see myself living in the future. Teaching second graders all day every day for three weeks ignited my passion for education. I know I need to be in a classroom teaching for at least some portion of my life. I felt at home in Liberia, partly because of all the nature, and also because I was doing what I love: teaching! Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the comforts I know in America, and I would probably get lonely out on a farm, so I probably won’t live like that forever, but I now know I can handle primitive conditions so I feel like I can live in any part of the world.

HC: What word would you use to describe yourself?

Vasquez: Compassionate. I empathize very easily with people. I am constantly thinking of how I would feel if I were in someone else’s life situations. My compassion motivates me to cause change for the better, but it also burdens me. I have to continuously remind myself that I have to do my part, to do what God has called me to do, but I can’t save the world. That‘s God’s job.

HC: What made you choose Mercer?

Vasquez: I chose Mercer because I felt it’s where God wanted me to be. They also gave me a great scholarship. I knew I wanted a small school, and I actually only applied to 3 schools, USF, Stetson, and Mercer. I have family in Macon who introduced me to Mercer and even though at first I wasn’t sure I wanted to come here, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Mercer has helped me thrive and blossom into a person I am happy to be for the moment.

HC: What are the activities that you are involved with on campus?

Vasquez: I’m involved in Student Government Association. I have been Freshman Senator, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Class Presidents. I am also a Peer Advisor. I served as a Family Head which basically means I helped train other Peer Advisors. I actively participate in AGAPE as well.

HC: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Vasquez: In my spare time, I like to spend time outdoors –anything involving the sun, trees, water, and activity. I like to take spontaneous trips or do spontaneous activities (most of my spare time is spontaneous – I rarely make plans), read, sing, spend quality time with people.

Upon graduation from Mercer, Vasquez has many plans. “Currently, I am applying for a Fulbright scholarship to go teach English for a year in Valencia, Spain. I am also looking into possibly participating in Service First through Mercer, where they send us off around the world to teach. I may even stay in Macon to teach. I’m open to wherever God takes me,” said Vasquez. No matter where this Campus Celebrity ends up, there is definitely a bright future ahead of her!
Check out Her Travels with Mercer on Mission!


Hometown: Moultrie, GA College: Mercer University I come from a small town in the real South. I have always loved writing, and now, I am studying Journalism at Mercer. Look out for me. I have big dreams, and I am not backing down. I am a mystery just waiting to be solved.