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Campus Celeb- Sheri Wilson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

Some of you may know her as “Mama Sheri,” or from her fairly recent performance as Lady Bracknell in Mercer Theater’s production of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest,but for those of you that don’t know her, meet Sheri Wilson.

She is considered as a nontraditional student here at Mercer majoring in Theater Arts. Beforehand, Sheri worked as a paralegal for many years before deciding to dive back into college.

Her Campus: Where are you from?

Sheri: “I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio.”

HC: What made you decide to go back to school?

Sheri: “I really started enjoying Community Theater, acting and just being around the theater. With the encouragement of my husband, I went back and just did it because I want to teach theater one day.”

HC: What made you choose Mercer?

Sheri: “My husband was stationed at Robins Air Force Base, and Mercer was the only college that was in close proximity that had a theater program. I had a meeting with Scott Mann, and the rest was history.”

HC: What do you plan to do after you graduate from Mercer?

Sheri: “I want to go directly into a master’s degree program. I have family in Ohio and Michigan, so I would love to go somewhere on the East Coast.”

HC: All theater majors have a senior project. Tell us a little bit about what you are planning.

Sheri: “I will be directing The Color Museum by George C. Wolfe. I was an actor in it in 1994. The play is done in vignettes. I’ve always loved it because the play is a great, eclectic summary of the African-American experience exploring the journey from slavery to common stereotypes and the play also satirizes these stereotypes in a way.”

HC: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Sheri: “I enjoy spending time with my family. I like going to the movies and plays. I love horseback riding, but I don’t get to do it often. I also like camping.”

Sheri is making her dreams come true by following her heart and pursuing her passion. Remember to go support her directing debut later on in the year at Mercer!

Hometown: Moultrie, GA College: Mercer University I come from a small town in the real South. I have always loved writing, and now, I am studying Journalism at Mercer. Look out for me. I have big dreams, and I am not backing down. I am a mystery just waiting to be solved.