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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mercer chapter.

With a bubbly personality and a bright smile to match, this spontaneous senior’s future is sure to be bright.  Majoring in Communications with a minor in Spanish, Rebecca Mayo hopes to pursue a career involving anything from public relations to media sales.

Currently a sister of Phi Mu Fraternity, a staff writer for The Cluster and a member of the Society of Collegiate Journalists, Becca has been able to be active on campus and taken the opportunity to study abroad…twice!
Studying abroad in Spain and Paris, Becca counts these opportunities as some of the favorite things she has done during her time at Mercer. “The most influential part was learning about various cultures and how different they are from our own. My favorite food discovery was the different kinds of tapas in Spain,” said Mayo.
Although these ventures have surely been beneficial, her favorite place to visit is the awe-inspiring New York City.
On her playlist, we are likely to find any good dance track, noting some of her favorites such as Katy Perry and Rihanna, and of course Lady Gaga!
Becca is very open-minded about where the future will take her, as she is set to graduate in May.  Surely everyone can live vicariously through Becca as she continues on her excursions!
(Becca is pictured above at Versailles while studying abroad in Paris)

Ashley is a senior at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. She is a journalism major with a minor in art. Playing an active role on campus, she is a staff writer for The Cluster, Secretary for the Society for Collegiate Journalists, Build Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity and On-site reporter for Mercer99 News. In her spare time she enjoys cooking, volunteering, watching ESPN and any installment of The Real Housewives. After graduation Ashley plans to attend graduate school seeking a dual degree in journalism and law.
Kathleen has red hair, blue eyes and a ridiculous amount of freckles. Her favorite actor is Jason Schwartzman and her true love is television. She also enjoys comic books, 'Doctor Who' and cupcakes. Currently, Kathleen is a senior at Mercer University and is earning her double major in Journalism and English. She hopes to move to New York and become a real life Liz Lemon. At Mercer, Kathleen is the News Editor of the campus paper, 'The Cluster.' Also, Kathleen is part of the equestrian team, Society for Collegiate Journalists and several honor societies. Kathleen also is the head of the Mercer University HerCampus team and would love for fellow Mercer students to contact her about writing for the site by E-mailing her at KathleenQuinlan@HerCampus.com