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Must Watch Tv Shows of 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Memphis chapter.

Don’t talk to me between the hours of 8pm to 10pm on Thursday nights. I have no friends then. My full attention is devoted to my television screen on Thursday nights.  Thursdays are where I watch what is popularly called “Shonda Thursday.” “Shonda Thursday” for me consists of Scandal and the new break out hit How to Get Away with Murder. I stop everything to give my full attention to my favorite shows.


Most shows are wrapping up and seasons are beginning to prepare to start the next season off in the fall. There are tons of shows out each season so this is a guide to the top must watch shows of the year. You will not regret tuning in to any of these mind-blowing shows.  You won’t want to leave your couch either.



1st up is Empire.   If you are not watching this show you are not living your life properly. It is the hip-hop version of Glee with better drama, violence, and original song produced by well-known music maker, Timberland. The songs will be stuck in your head along with catch phrases from the characters on the show.  The season just ended, but all of the episodes are found on Hulu.


All hale Netflix for the next must watch show, House of Cards. House of cards will capture you.  Then, before you know it you have watched the entire season and actually forgotten about the homework that was due at midnight. I am speaking from experience. You will not regret getting a Netflix subscription or borrowing your friend’s password.



If you love Batman then you will love this show, Gotham. You’ll be learning of the origins of Batman with all of your favorite super villains. Trying to decide who will turn into what super villain becomes a fun guessing game. Did I mention that Jada Pinkett Smith is on the show? This is a must watch for any DC comic fan.



How to get away with murder came into people’s lives and flipped our worlds upside down. This show will have you confused while also trying to figure out the plot at the same time.  Then, you’ll become excited all in just one episode.  You have to watch Annalise Keating and her law students try and “ get away with murder.”



If you are not watching this show you are behind and need to catch-up.  Olivia Pope fixes problems and ruins Washington D.C., all while having the President underneath her thumb. The drama in this show will have you sitting on the edge of your chair the entire time.



Last but not least, is The Walking Dead. You can never go wrong with watching Rick and the gang killing zombies on a Sunday night. You never know who is going to die.  Wait as you get drawn into the lives of Rick and his gang. 

Lauren Berry is a journalism major at The University of Memphis from Dallas, Texas. She's spent the past three years covering news stories from campus events to attending the Michelle Obama press conference at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Wanting a change, she joined the Her Campus team to empower women and get her voice heard. She believes that finally, she's in the right place.