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Hot Drinks Vs Cold Drinks. Does the Weather Really Matter?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Memphis chapter.

Okay, you got me.  I’m a coffee addict.  Nighttime, daytime, iced, or hot, coffee is the love of my life.  I’ve got to have my cup of morning Joe everyday.  I enjoy Joe’s smell, his ability to have a good conversation, and my mad, burning love for him.  It’s like we’re having an affair, but everyone knows about it.

Now, the group I hang around with is just as equally obsessed with coffee as I am.  Coffee just happens to love me the most. I have to say, I’ve come across a little bit of a problem with the coffee shop conversations I’ve been having.  Here’s the big dilemma.

THE DILEMMA:  I drink iced coffee in the winter and I feel no shame.  I know countless others that could tell you what a sin I just committed.  Hot drinks for winter, cold drinks for summer.  Right?  Wait, I didn’t know there was a rule.

I’d like my iced coffee with a side of wind chill and my parka coat, please.  But seriously, is this a thing?  I hear people scream for hot caramel macchiato’s any time of year!  We drink hot coffee in the mornings, for 365 days, and no one’s said anything until now.  Is this a fact or a myth?  Can we really only have hot drinks in the winter?

I read up on some interesting articles and discovered something to clear up all of the hoopla.   Hot drinks can actually cool you down more than cool drinks. Drinking a hot drink can certainly make you feel warm.  It can also cause you to increase your rate of sweating.  Increasing your rate of sweating will actually help you to cool off.

Cool it with all this science, right?  Since when was there a manual laid out for us on how to drink coffee?  I say forget what you hear.  Order what you like.  As Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than the ones you did do.”  In Mark Twin’s sake, go ahead and order that iced coffee in the winter.  Drink your coffee with a little bit of cream and sugar if that’s how you’ll take it.  As for me, I’ll drink my coffee black, over ice, with cream, in the winter.  


Lauren Berry is a journalism major at The University of Memphis from Dallas, Texas. She's spent the past three years covering news stories from campus events to attending the Michelle Obama press conference at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Wanting a change, she joined the Her Campus team to empower women and get her voice heard. She believes that finally, she's in the right place.