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Healthy Ways to Tap into your Dark Femininity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McMaster chapter.

If you have been on the Femtok lately, and your TikTok page screams divine feminine energy, then you must know that Dark Femininity is the hottest topic of all. But if you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry! Let me walk you through what Dark Femininity is and how to harness it.

Dark feminine is the other half of you, the Yin to your Yang. While the Yang stands for your light feminine representing your compassion, gracefulness, and submissiveness, the dark feminine represents your sensuality and dominance. It is an expression of your fearlessness, obsession, and transformational energy. These two aspects of femininity sing a balanced duet of your spiritual energy. While most of us might be attuned to our light feminine energy, not everyone is aware of their dark feminine half. That could be because of the stigma surrounding this half of femininity. Trust me, dark femininity is more than bewitching a love interest.

You must be wondering why you would call to the dark parts of you, rather than leave them dormant? I suggest you give it a second thought! Don’t you want to freely express your sexual desires, be magnetic, in touch with all parts of you and essentially have balanced energies? Revoloon suggests that familiarizing yourself with your dark feminine helps you shed the vibrations that no longer serve you, evolve into someone more powerful, set boundaries, channel your sexual energies, and express your desires freely.

If you have decided to access your dark feminine in a healthy way, listed below are some ways that can help you do so:

1. Begin with some shadow work:

Everyone possesses a shadow self. It is influenced by what you hold within; could be your obsessions, past trauma, faults you see in yourself – the parts you might hesitate to acknowledge. But you cannot channel your energies until you know what’s their source. Shadow work helps with that, and you can begin with journaling. The Lexington Line gives you five thought provoking prompts which can help you begin shadow work.

2. Understand the spiritual ties of sex:

While many websites might encourage you to stop having ‘casual sex,’ I wouldn’t suggest that. You do you but know that your divine feminine energy is interconnected with the act of sex and pleasure. It is an intimate act and your intentions matter! You should honour your body, as it is a sacred vessel. If something/someone is not working out for you, let it go.

3. Express freely:

As you heal your energies, don’t forget to ask for what you desire fearlessly. It might come off as daunting to be vulnerable when making demands or being straightforward, but it will help you establish more authentic connections along with building your confidence.

4. Experiment with your makeup:

Do not hesitate to try new things. Indulge more into new make-up looks which make you feel intimidating and confident.

Alexa Demie, Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie are physical manifestations of a Dark Feminine. Maybe it is in the way they move, look, and talk, but my god, don’t they have a chokehold on every person they are nearby. They effortlessly exude this energy! Dark Psychology is just another tool which can come in handy and a whole other rabbit hole to explore, but the question remains: are you willing to?

Kumkum Singh

McMaster '25

Kumkum is a third-year student at McMaster University. She used to serve as the Editor-in-Chief and as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at McMaster. During her term there, she worked with a team of more than 75 women and even published a few editorials. She loves to read books and cooks well. If she's not lazing in her bed, you'll find her in a library corner where Instagram-aesthetic sunlight falls.