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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MCLA chapter.

After a one week hiatus, I once again DMed another part of the Sharandar campaign, right from the comfort of my own home.

In this session, the party entered the city of Sharandar after defeating Fomorian general Lakjin Bonegnasher and his troops. Today, they met Iliyanbruen leader Merrissara Winterwhite, who was fairly distressed. Winterwhite informed the party that the Dark Fey had invaded the Arcane Rerservoir, and were threatening to capture the old Iliyanbruen Armory. If the Fomorian Dark Fey successfully took the Arcane Reservoir, it would likely end the centuries-long war right then and there. Knowing this, the party wasted no time entering the Arcane Reservoir, accompanied by newcomer associate of the Iliyanbruen, Hightlope Blisswield. 

When they arrived, they came upon a dreary, dark area which they deduced to be the inside of the Arcane Reservoir. Mere moments in, and the party was set upon by a pack of Redcaps. They made short work of them, and they came upon another pack which they also disposed of quickly. After trying to retrace their steps to loot the bodies of fallen Redcaps, Arle and Discord found the dead bodies to have disappeared somehow. No sooner did this revelation occur than did they discover an ominous surprise waiting for them; Arle’s shadow manifested itself into a tangible figure, which cast Consume Living against Arle, holding her in the air and beginning to straight up choke her to death. The party warded the Shadow away before it successfully killed Arle, but many more encounters with these Shadows were in store. Unable to loot any of the bodies, the party proceeded and came upon the Fomorian who orchestrated the attack on the Arcane Reservoir; Hyptu Bodybasher. Hyptu, aided by a pair of War Trolls and Red Cap Witherers, fought the party. After a long fought battle which resulted in the death (and subsequent respawning of) Sneaks, the party successfully defeated Hyptu’s forces, putting down the Dark Fey threat, saving the Arcane Reservoir, and putting off the conquering of Sharandar by Malabog’s Fomorian forces, at least for a little while.

Now, they return to Sharandar for the next session. The war against King Malabog’s forces rages on. What will the party do next? Given that Sharandar is under a vicious siege, it would seem that warding off the Fomorian offense would be the next step. That being said, my party’s next session will determine where the story and the campaign go!

A sarcastic redhead who is usually late.