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Turning a Blind Eye: The Rohingya Crisis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Time and time again, atrocities all over the world shake our faith in humanity. We question what is the cost of human life. Daily, our Facebook feeds are filled with posts about Syria and the river of blood that flows through its streets. Yet, those Facebook posts never turn into actions. Similarly, another tragedy has come to it’s breaking point right in front of the international community’s eyes: the Rohingya people.

Crimes against humanity have been committed in Myanmar where the Rohingya population has been the target of a systematic ethnic cleansing act.  A campaign of violence initiated by the Myanmar Army who have conducted systematic, organized and ruthless acts against the Rohingya people, causing over half a million to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. However, the fate that awaits them there is far from rosy. 

Their struggles are far from over and as refugees their fate is still uncertain. Brandon Stanton of the famous Humans of New York Facebook page is shedding some light into their tragic tales, in hopes to raise money to provide them with shelter. 

He started posting images of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh on March 4th. As mentioned in the caption below, his aim is to provide “sturdy homes before the monsoon season arrives”  

To read more of what the Rohingya people have suffered while the world watches in silence, check out Brandon’s Humans of New York Facebook page and Website.  

Do your part as small as it may seem, because even raising awareness is better than sitting idle. As Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”  

You can also donate to the UNHCR and sign a petition to urge Canada to take action with Amnesty International


Information and images obtained from: 

