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McGill’s Newest Guinness World Record

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

After the world’s biggest fruit salad (2012) and 4000 pound brownie (2014), McGill’s name has been put in the Guinness Book of World Records once again

On Tuesday, September 1 2015, McGill’s Executive Chef and more than 100 volunteers banded together to make the largest smoothie in the world. This 3800-liter smoothie was made from cantaloupe, watermelon, Quebec-harvested strawberries, blueberries, fair trade bananas, juice and yogurt donated by McGill suppliers. Afterwards, the smoothie was served to the lucky audience of this record-breaking event.

I am Originally from Iran and I used to live in Halifax before moving to Montreal to study Psychology at McGill. I love photography and I usually try to describe my pictures using poems/quotes. Also, As you can tell, my other love in life is poetry :)