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McGill Students for World Vision Presents: Let Kids Be Kids Day!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Most McGill students can attest to the fact that there is at least one bake sale somewhere on campus on any given day. We’ll often buy a cupcake or a cookie without knowing what our money is going toward. On Wednesday, November 20, World Vision McGill will be selling baked goods and balloon animals in honour of Let Kids Be Kids Day. Her Campus McGill invited Mimi Chen, WV McGill’s Internal Events Coordinator and a U2 Microbiology and Immunology student, to tell us more about this great event.

What is Let Kids Be Kids Day?

Mimi Chen: Let Kids Be Kids Day is an awareness campaign centered on the concept that children should be allowed to enjoy their childhood. All children deserve happiness, health and hope for the future but many children around the world do not have this. On Let Kids Be Kids day, World Vision invites students to participate in childhood activities to support children around the world.

Who benefits from the event?

MC: Donations from this event support programs in four important areas for children in developing countries: water, food, education and safety.

How can Her Campus readers get involved?

MC: Readers can visit World Vision’s booths around campus for some yummy baked treats, ring pops and balloon animals. If you want to volunteer with World Vision on the day please email internal.worldvision.mcgill@gmail.com. Also remember to click “join” on the Facebook event page!

Where will it be held?

MC: The booths will be at Burnside Basement, SSMU lobby, Stewart Biology Building (South Wing) and Y-intersection.

When is it?

MC: Let Kids be Kids day will be on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, which is also Universal Children’s Day!

As World Vision Canada‘s website tells us, Let Kids be Kids Day is about “supporting ‘kids being kids,’ wherever they are.” They want you to pick up a sweet treat for a good cause!


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Azara Lalla is a staff writer at Her Campus McGill and the co-president of World Vision McGill.