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McGill Campus Cutie: Dalia Spatzner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Major: Bachelor of Social Work
Activities/Interests: I love traveling, shopping, and meeting new people. I like swimming and playing games. I also love being a counsellor for kids! 
What is something that would surprise people about you? I used to have the biggest crush on Zac Efron. I had, and still have, posters on my wall!
Common misconceptions about you: People don’t think I can be quiet or shy, but the truth is, I actually used to be very shy, and still can be
Favourite movie: Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging is absolutely hilarious!! I love the British accent and the jokes are hilarious. You have to see it!
Favorite TV show: Right now, 90210 and Vampire Diaries, but it varies
What is your favourite quality in a girlfriend? Someone who can joke around and someone who has a sense of humour
Favorite song to sing in the shower: I really like James Taylor and Disney songs, and top 40. Also, 90’s music (makes me really nostalgic, but in a good way) 
Favorite item of clothing: Earrings—all sizes. Hoops are my obsession; they can make an outfit go from bland to glam!  I also love scarves—they can make any outfit
How would you describe your style? Hippie, bohemian and hipster. I have to admit that sometimes it is a little sloppy. My style really fits my mood and really depends on how I feel. Comfort is key for me
Celebrity crush: Zac Efron
Biggest pet peeve: Selfish people
What’s your deepest fear? I am petrified of sharks. I’d say death is a big one too—losing someone that I love. I also have major arachnophobia
Who are your biggest role models? My grandmother, my mom, and my dad
What is the key to making a relationship work? Communicating and working together as a team are key
What would you do if you won the lottery? Distribute some money within my family, go shopping, and donate to a charity I really care about
You would consider yourself successful when: I am happy
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now? Hopefully I’ll be in love with someone and have a steady profession. Oh, and moved out!

Sofia Mazzamauro, born and raised in Montreal, is majoring in English Cultural Studies and minoring in Communication and Italian Studies. Along with being the editor-in-chief of Her Campus McGill, she is a writer for Leacock’s online magazine’s food section at McGill University and the editor of the Women’s Studies Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Journal. After graduation, she aspires to pursue a career in lifestyle magazine writing in Montreal.