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High Heels at a Mile High: A Stylish Guide to Flying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

In my opinion, one thing that makes McGill such an incredible university is that it educates students from all corners of the world. This means that for the holiday break, these same students will have to travel by train, plane, and/or automobile back to their respective homes. The task of packing up your comfortable dorm or apartment and schlepping the necessities over the river and through the woods can seem mind-numbing.

I have the joy (or pain, depending how you look at) of taking a plane all the back to my home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. If you too are travelling by plane, fear not! I plan on sharing my tips and tricks to making this, or any future flight, as fabulous for you as possible.

Step 1: “American Horror Story: Packing.”

Packing, in my opinion, is the most difficult part of travelling. I often find myself going insane with the notion of trying to fit all of my shoes into one measly suitcase. I then end up tossing the entire contents of my life out onto the bedroom floor, blasting the soundtrack from “Marie Antoinette” and pretending I am dancing with Jamie Dornan’s character from the film. (As much fun as I have doing this, I strongly advise to avoid this time-wasting step in your travel preparations. However, it is an amazing soundtrack and movie.)

After I am done procrasti-dancing, I find it immensely useful to make a list of all of the outfits I plan on wearing. Try to be as detail-oriented as possible when mapping out your ensembles. Even if I do not end up wearing these exact outfits, it helps me bring the items of clothing, shoes, and accessories I actually need. At some point, tell yourself “This is all I need,” but make sure to keep in mind dinners, parties, or events you may attend.

So now that you know what you’re going to bring, you need to shove all of it into the tiny bag that sits in front of you, seemingly taunting you. I do not find the “roll your clothes into log-shaped blobs of cloth” method to work for me. Maybe I am an idiot and doing it completely wrong, but in my mind, it takes up way more space. I find that neatly folding my clothes works perfectly fine. I like to put my more expensive jewelry and shoes at the bottom of the bag and layer my clothes over them. Also, and this one should be common sense, put all liquids and make-up in a Ziploc bag.

When packing, also keep in mind that the rules for luggage are quite strict nowadays, so do not be that person that “didn’t know” they couldn’t bring 624 ounces of liquid in their carry-on bag.

As I am sure you know, airlines now charge travellers for how many bags they check upon arrival to the airport. There are also weight and size restrictions regarding carry-ons, so make sure to look into the specific baggage regulations.

Step 2: Dress for the runway (I do not mean the one for the plane)

You have your life packed away, finals are done, and it is travel day! I am probably alone in this, but I adore plane travel. I put on a fabulous outfit with my favourite heels, wear a full face of make-up (though, when don’t I?), wear a big hat and sunnies, and act like I am famous. (If you do not believe me, ask my dad. I actually do this.)

It sounds completely insane, and it totally is, but trust me when I say it will make your lame day at the airport way more exhilarating pretending the paparazzi are after you.

I strongly advise you not to be the person in pajamas. 

You do not need to be red-carpet ready, and you should be comfortable, so “you do you.” You could be one of those genetically engineered robot women who look gorgeous in a pair of sweats and sneakers, but I am not one. So Prada pumps for me!

I always carry a large tote bag with me. Inside, I keep a make-up bag with lipstick, lip balm, pressed powder, mascara, a mini hand-sanitizer (Bath & Body Works makes ones that smell amazing), gum, and aspirin. I also have a bottle of Evian, my wallet (with photo ID handy!), passport, phone, and a copy of my bible (Vogue, Vanity Fair, or if both are unavailable, I will settle for Harper’s Bazaar).

I will not insult you by explaining the annoying process of checking your bag, the necessity of getting to the airport an hour or two before your departure, how important being disgustingly polite to all airline and security employees is, etc. Use your judgement. I trust you.

Step 3: Up, up and away.

Unfortunately, life is not an airplane-centered rom-com (e.g., Elizabethtown, Up in the Air, or even that one with Goop). It is also not an episode of “Mad Men.” Gone are the days of fabulous flight attendants with white gloves and jaunty cups serving you and your business associate, Don Draper, martinis. You are lucky if your flight attendant is partially awake and semi-smiling. They have to deal with ignorant and rude customers all day, work crazy hours, and do not get paid that much. Planes are often stuffy, filled with germs of unknown origin, and tourists in ridiculous t-shirts.

Despite these set-backs of modern air travel, I still like to pretend I am famous. (Who is to tell me I cannot at least pretend planes are still glamorous?)

I tuck the complimentary blanket beside me (where has that thing been?), guzzle my Evian (hydration is so important for a flight), put in my headphones (for plane rides, Carla Bruni is my go-to), take an aspirin, read a James Wolcott article (my favourite Vanity Fair writer), then fall asleep. Your flight is so much more enjoyable when you sleep through the entire thing and avoid speaking to anyone.

Once I land, I grab my bag from the overhead and thank the flight attendants. Common courtesy seems to be lost on so many travellers of today. If I need to make a connection, I check the flight on the electronic board to make sure it is on time and I have the right gate. I cannot count the number of times they changed my gate from what is printed on my ticket. Sprinting to the new gate is always fun (and excellent cardio!)

If it is direct flight, go pick up your checked bags. If the airline loses your bag, stay calm.

A seven-year-old me who did not have the appropriate gown she had packed for the Cinderella ball at the Grand Floridian Hotel at Disney World would tell you to demand for your luggage immediately. (I am still convinced, to this day, that this unfortunate situation ruined my chances with Prince Charming.)

An 18-year-old me is telling you talk to the airline employees as nicely as you can, even if it is through gritted teeth. Yelling will not get your bag in your hands any faster. If your bags made it safely to your final destination, all you have left to do is have a nice little “Love, Actually” moment with whoever is picking you up.

Have fabulous, safe travels and very happy holidays!


Images obtained from:

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Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Gabrielle is a fourth year student at McGill University. She watches a lot (some might say too much TV) and has gotten into screaming matches over movies. In her spare time, she enjoys being utterly self-deprecating. For clever tweets, typically composed by her favorite television writers, follow her twitter. For overly-posed (but pretending not to be) photographs follow her Instagram.