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Here’s the Rundown on the #Believesurvivors Walkout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

On Monday, September 24, people across the country participated in a walkout in support of sexual assault victims Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez. Both women came forward with sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Since releasing their stories to the public, these women have faced harassment from people on the internet and members of the Republican party.

The attack against Ford occurred while she was in high school, leading Donald Trump to tweet that she would’ve come forward about it earlier had the encounter been “as bad as she says.” This incited an internet backlash of women discussing their own unreported experiences of sexual assault with the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport. Many others used the hashtag #IBelieveChristineFord to demonstrate their solidarity.

Despite much resistance, Dr. Ford has remained resolute in her plans to testify before senators regarding her attack, and did so on Thursday, September 27. Thus the #believesurvivors walkout was organized to express support for Ford and Ramirez as well as to send a message to the Senate Republicans that disregard for sexual assault survivors will not be tolerated. A flagship event occurred in Washington DC, but many smaller walkouts were organized around the country. Several reputable organizations participated, including the National Women’s Law Center, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the Women’s March, and the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Those who were not able to leave work or school were encouraged to wear black in solidarity or to share a post to social media with the hashtag #believesurvivors.

Although the walkout is over, you can still make a difference by calling your senators and telling them to vote against Kavanaugh. Visit whipthevote.org to connect to your senators!


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Claire is from Los Angeles but studies in Canada at McGill University with a major in psychology and a minor in social entrepreneurship. She works as a research assistant in a lab and considers herself passionate about mental health and exploring the human psyche. In her spare time, she enjoys running, cooking, drawing, and making memes.