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Fourth Year Diaries: Second Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Welcome back collegiettes, and for those of you in fourth year, happy last semester at McGill!  While it is easy to get caught up in thinking about upcoming assignments  — especially after receiving all of our syllabi — and the daunting prospect of doing work for the first time in weeks, there are also many other events in Montreal to look forward to!  Second semester, although snowier than the first, always offers events that embrace the cold as we patiently wait for the first days of spring.  I’m looking forward to three upcoming events in particular:


Igloofest (http://www.igloofest.ca/)

Igloofest runs for four weekends this year and extends into February. The weather has been fairly mild recently, which hopefully means that we won’t have to bundle up for -30 degree weather as we head to Jacques-Cartier Quay in the Old-Port.  Igloofest is always insanely packed, but is so fun to go to with a big group of friends.  This event doesn’t require dressing up (although it is wise to wear multiple layers of clothing) and the tickets are under $15.  While there is the added price of a taxi or metro ticket to Old-Port, they usually hand out free metro tickets at the end of the night, making it easier to get home!  The event also has the added bonus of buying an Igloofest hat, which are seen all over the city during the winter season in Montreal.   


St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is one of the few days in the year that I am willing to wake up at the crack of dawn and start preparations for the exciting day ahead.  In past years my roommates and I have always had breakfast together (featuring pancakes and Bailey’s) and then immediately invite friends over to start drinking and head over to Gerts.  Gerts always serves green beer on St. Patty’s and it is the spot that everyone seems to end up at after a day of house parties throughout the ghetto. This year March 17th falls on a Sunday, so none of us will have to worry about missing (or attending) class on this festive day!    


and lastly…



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