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Empowering Women with Jenna La Ricca, VP Communications of WIIS Canada at McGill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

Hey collegiettes! This week it is my pleasure to introduce you all to Jenna La Ricca, a U3 student at McGill, majoring in Honours Political Science and minoring in Sociology. Jenna also happens to be the VP Communications of one of McGill’s newest student groups: Women in International Security (WIIS) Canada at McGill!

During these crazy weeks of midterms (which are somehow still ongoing!), Jenna made some time to sit and chat with us about WIIS. If you’re like me, and have only seen WIIS on Facebook, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more.

Jenna explained that WIIS’ mandate “is to create a network through which women can be empowered and develop their professional and/or academic careers in the field of international security and defense more specifically. WIIS Canada at McGill aims more generally to create a network of women through which we can empower each other, and though we are focused on international security and defense, we encourage all who are interested to join as our main objective is to empower women here on campus.”

When asked why she joined WIIS, Jenna admits that she joined WIIS because the mandate was so close to her heart, citing how she understands that fellow women are underrepresented or under-credited in the field of international defense and peace studies, but also in society in general. She acknowledges that women, unfortunately, do not have the same opportunities as men, and that the network created by WIIS can help to diminish those gaps. She believes “it is important for women to come together and encourage each other to succeed in our personal careers, but also to advance our development as a social group.”

Jenna makes a point to note that the idea of the group is not to be anti-men, but rather “to highlight the inherent power dynamic and differential opportunity structure for each of the sexes. This difference is an issue close to my heart and is why I joined WIIS!” She adds, “It’s also a pretty cool organization to be involved with, not going to lie!”

One of the things that makes WIIS so cool is the mentorship program, which is available to members registered with WIIS Canada. Members are partnered with a senior academic or professional in their field, who can give them advice on work, school, and much more.

Although WIIS is pretty new to McGill, they already have some exciting events lined up. Jenna lets us know that WIIS is teaming up with Oxfam and the International Development Studies Student Association to screen the movie It’s a Girl on November 21st, and that they will have an info table at Leacock on November 28th, where you can meet their Executive Team. On December 6th, they will have an event for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

In addition to being a full-time student at McGill and VP Communications for WIIS, Jenna works part-time. She balances it all by treating herself to a nice hot chocolate while doing school work and making up for her lack of time by increasing her productivity (aka limiting her procrastination, aka something we all aspire to do). She says her lack of time has actually pushed her to start things early, so that she can get them done on time. However, Jenna makes sure to incorporate me-time into her schedule because school, clubs and work can take a lot out of a girl!

You know I couldn’t leave this interview with a Montreal native, without asking her favourite place in Montreal. Jenna says this is the toughest question I’ve asked so far, before responding. “I’d have to say that my favorite place is this little opening in the trees on Mount Royal. In the summer, and probably even now, you can see the sun set over the city from there. Sitting there and sipping a nice hot chocolate (yes, I like my hot chocolate!), coffee, or an iced cappuccino is my favourite thing to do. Having grown up in Montreal, it makes me examine my city from a new and beautiful perspective!

Make sure to follow to WIIS at McGill on Facebook to stay up-to-date about their events!


Images provided by the interviewee.

Fanta is a third year Economics student at McGill, who minors in German Literature and Political Science. She loves all things to do with writing, fashion, Queen Bey and Quesada. Note: On Wednesdays, she wears pink.  
Aspiring writer