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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at McGill chapter.

As excited as we all are to welcome this cool crisp air, it’s easy to forget how chilly Montreal can be. Not being constantly reminded by our moms to bundle up may be the reason for these midseason colds, but don’t you fret, we have the perfect DIY to keep you pneumonia-free. During this stressful exam time, it’s clear that there isn’t much time for shopping sprees or fancy, time-consuming DIYs, but grab your ’90s boy band t-shirt that’s been collecting dust, a pair of scissors, and set aside a five minute study break that is sure to keep you warm and fashionable all season long.

Step 1: Start by laying your t-shirt flat on the floor. Cut horizontally, all the way across the bottom hem of the t-shirt.

Step 2: Cut horizontally just below the armpits

Step 3: Continue cutting 1 ½ inch strips horizontally across the t-shirt

Step 4: once you have cut the entire shirt, stretch out each strip and pile them atop of one another.

Step 5: Pile each of the strands on top of one another.


Step 6:  Leave one last strip and use it to tie together the pile you made in the Previous Step. Cut off the loose ends.



And voila… there you have it; an easy DIY that, just by wrapping twice around your neck, will simultaneously keep you warm and hip this season!